Street workout has both endurance and fitness, but also the ideal 6-pack abs.
If you do not know:
- What is the street workout?
- How to practice Street workout?
The following article, BellyFatZone, will answer your questions about the workout and the Street workout schedule.
We firmly believe that, after reading this article, you will plan on practicing Street workout.

Let's start at…
What is the street workout?
Street workout is also known as an outdoor sport in parks or public facilities. The origin of this discipline dates back to ancient Greece but is now a popular trend in Russia.
Besides, it thrives in Eastern Europe and the United States, especially in New York City metropolitan areas, and is spreading worldwide.

In a nutshell, the Street workout is a combination of athletics, calisthenics, and sports.
Street workout has spread?
This discipline is developing very fast. You can see young people practicing in parks, gymnasiums, sports areas,
And now many professional gymnasiums are organizing this event.
Because street workout requires a high level of physical strength, it helps the muscles grow, muscle tone, and street sports are quite interested in many young people.
This discipline is not as dangerous as Packout, so the majority of people support it.
People who practice Street workout often have a pretty standard body. Muscles are not gigantic like Gyms but extremely balanced and toned.
Read more: Calisthenics Exercises for Beginners Improve Flexibility and Have 6 Pack Belly.
Street workout is divided into 2 types of workout.
To practice this subject requires you to have the foundations and endurance. Persevering efforts to practice constantly can be successful.
1. Do Street workout to train to maintain health – fitness
The purpose of this exercise is to help you maintain supple health. Increase strength and stay active with outdoor sports activities.
With this method, you can freely practice anywhere. Some train for passion. It would help if you gathered in groups to motivate yourself to practice.
2. Street workout with professional training
This form requires you to practice regularly for a long time. Adhere to training from basic to advanced.
The professional moves often involve strength such as Hold Planche, Back Lever or Front Level, … There are also many Muscle exercises – and other difficult exercises.
A typical gesture of street workout is the most impressive is the Muscle-up rotation of 360 degrees. This technique is rated as beautiful, impressive.
This movement requires speed, precision, and flexibility when turning around the beam.
Advantages of doing a Street workout
- Completely free, you do not need to go to the gym to practice.
- Can practice anywhere, indoors or outdoors.
- No need for specialized fitness equipment
- Easy to achieve goals if the persevering practice
- Extremely effective weight loss
- Against fatty liver disease is common in young people.
View more: Top 15 Simple Exercises to Lose Belly Fat For You.
Street workout schedule for 7 days
Before training, you should warm up thoroughly, squeeze the muscles to avoid injury problems. During the training session, you should take a break between reasonable exercises.

Choose exercises that are physically appropriate and change them regularly to avoid boredom.
- T2: Chest, chest (chest routine)
- T3: Leg routine
- T4: Break
- T5: Back, bucket (front hand) (silver-biceps)
- T6: Shoulder, forearm, abdomen (shoulder routine)
- T7: Legs (leg routine)
- CN: Vacation
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Street workout diet
You should divide it into 4 meals/day, including 3 meals and 1 snack.
- For breakfast, you should eat cereal or starchy foods.
- Lunch tries to eat enough nutrients to provide enough energy for afternoon training.
- For dinner, eat twice as much as lunch but still have to meet all nutrients.
- Before going to bed, drink extra milk or cereal.
Vegetables still play an important role in the diet of Street workouts. If you want to gain weight, don't just focus on a lot of meat, you need to eat many vegetables.
Because this is the catalyst promoting the process of nutrient absorption.

Basic Street workout for beginners
1. Anti-push
This is the simplest and most popular Street workout for beginners. Do pushups that help the chest muscles grow, increase the tolerance for the back muscles, and strengthen the shoulder muscles' stiffness.
Anti-push is also combined even in the country's military because this is a physical exercise, building muscles most effectively.
As your body gets used to the push-up exercise, gradually increase the number of repetitions
- Step 1: You start with the plank. Keep both hands on the mat, back and neck straight. Then, tighten your abs, then lift your toes to the floor, making sure your butt is lower than your back, firm.
- Step 2: Maintain the back position, slowly lowering your hands to the carpet.
- Step 3: Raise your hand back to the position in step 1.
- Do this 20 times in a row.

2. Street workout sniffing single bars
Develop comprehensive back muscles and combine them with abdominal muscles, shoulder muscles, forearm muscles to create a beautiful and standard body.
The single sniff combined with sniffing soil is a perfect combo for developing the upper body, creating enamel beauty.
- Step 1: You perform the bar with a single bar with the palm facing the body (can be turned out as you like) and notice the width narrower than the shoulders' width.
- Step 2: The chest is slightly outward, the body is always upright (especially the spine should be straight). If you hold the back straight, it will be perfect, stimulating the first muscle and minimizing back effects.
- Step 3: Use the force from your arms and shoulders to pull your body up until the head is level with the bar. Perform a focus on the first muscle to be more effective. Keep elbows with the body (Note: when breathing on the bar, exhale slowly, the upper body should not move during the movement, only the arms will shrink)
- Step 4: When you are at the top contraction position, at this point, you should flex your head about 3 seconds, then slowly lower the body to the starting position until fully stretched (Note: inhale words slowly in this movement)
- Repeat the movement

3. Inhale soil, turn on people
The pectoral muscle is the muscular region that occupies most of the front of the body. This exercise aims to help the boys expand their muscles, making their chest muscles firmer.
At the same time, the breathing background also works on the back and shoulders.
Physical strength and strength of hands, chest muscles will improve when doing the Street workout.
- Step 1: Hold your hands on the floor with your arms and shoulders shoulder-width apart
- Step 2: Inhale, then bend your elbows and lower your body.
- Step 3: When your chest almost reaches the lowest body depth. Take advantage of the strength of two hands and raise the chest with the arms' force. At the highest bouncing position, if possible, clap your hands.
- Step 4: You land with 2 arms outstretched as in the preparation position.

4. Jumping Squat – Street workout basic exercises
When you practice Squat properly, your muscles in your buttocks, abdomen, muscles, etc., are being exercised.
Help you burn fat chat on thighs, buttocks and at the same time develop muscle to keep the body looking beautiful.
- Step 1: You stand straight. The legs are spread apart; the wings are between shoulder width. 2 hands facing the ceiling. Relax your shoulder blades to avoid injury to your shoulders and neck during exercise
- Step 2: Inhale. Stretch your back and push your hips and butt back. The knees are wide, oriented in line with the toes. Try not to exceed your toes.
- Step 3: Jump high up, hands behind you, back straight.
- Step 4: Return to step 1 and repeat the action.

5. Street workout with push bars with double bars
Pushing with double beams is an exercise to develop the back arm muscles, chest side muscles. If combined with the previous 2 exercises, you will have a perfect upper body.
Exercise tools:
It would help if you had a pair of rafters and wrist wrap to stabilize the wrist joint not to hurt. Avoid joint dislocation and injuries during exercise.
- Step 1: 2 hands-on 2 bars of the crossbar, then suck deeply using strong thigh muscles.
- Step 2: You squeeze the muscles in the back, shoulders, chest to continue pushing the body up so that the arm is straight, the back is straight S. The butt is brought back, the face is facing forward. At the same time, exhale.
- Step 3: At the starting position, you take a deep breath, the triceps of the triceps behind and the chest muscles slowly lower but do not lean forward. At the lowest position, the arms and forearms will be perpendicular to each other. Back muscles will be fully stretched. At this time, you focus on controlling the back muscles' concentration very hard, pushing the body to the starting position while exhaling (limiting the maximum support of the chest and shoulder muscles).
- Step 4: Return to position 1 and repeat the movement.

View: Best Power Tower
6. Twist the Russian way
Twisting the Russian body type continue to focus on the abdominal muscles and the intercostal muscles, hand muscles.
However, this Street workout also helps you burn more energy. The synthesis of many muscle groups works together.
If you exercise at the gym, you can combine this exercise with a plate of weights.
- Step 1: Preparing posture, you sit on the floor, 2 knees bent, 2 heels on the floor, 2 hands holding the fork, straightening
- Step 2: Van body fast, from side to side.
With the help of a weight plate, you can increase the pressure for each turn, making the exercise more effective.

View more: How to Get a Smaller Buttocks Fast
7. Swing to lift the pillow
Street workout, swinging and lifting, helps your abs and back muscles work together. Keep your body in balance throughout the course of the movement.
- Step 1: You start with the posture hanging on the beam, your hands extended average. Keep your legs straight, keeping your abdominal muscles slightly tense.
- Step 2: You raise your leg to the top, creating a square. At the same time, exhale and hold the muscle contraction for 1 beat or longer.
- Slowly you lower your foot to the starting position. Breathing is essential. Remember to take a few breaths, exhale every single action you make.

3 warm-up movements before practicing Street Workout
1. Jump “rope.”
Imagine you are holding a rope and doing the dance for 15 seconds.

View: Best Jump Rope
2. Jump jacks
Jump jacks right: Stand up straight, pull your belly, jump to the sides. Also, open your hands high above your head. Perform movements continuously for 5 seconds.

3. High knees
Turn on the knee, constantly changing between the legs and done in 15 seconds.

Things to note when practicing Street Workout
- When you do not start, it will easily lead to muscle tension and reduce exercise results.
- If you have an injury, take time off.
Besides the advantages, people practicing Street workout also face many difficulties in pursuit of passion. Intense training and constant muscle challenges also present more risk of injury and danger than other exercise types.
Best Beginner Workout Routine Video:
Start carefully, combining with the addition of muscle-friendly foods to make Street Workout more effective.
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