All the equipment to support your yoga practice

By: BellyFatZoneTeam

All the devices that support yoga practice for you along with some other useful knowledge will be in this compilation.

Definitely going along with the gym, the yoga movement is spreading more and more throughout the country. That is why simple yoga exercises for weight loss are becoming more and more popular.

There are many reasons why yoga will help reduce stress hormone levels and increase insulin sensitivity, helping the body burn more stored fat. Today, Bellyfatzone would like to share with you yoga exercises to help lose weight for beginners.

First of all, you need to remember to prepare a yoga mat at home. Should choose a good carpet to limit poor quality carpets, affecting the skin.

What sport is yoga?

Yoga is a series of practices that help connect the body, mind, and spirit through controlling postures, breathing, and meditation. This is an ancient sport that originated in India about 5,000 years ago.

Regular yoga practice helps you create the foundation for building good habits, such as discipline, self-discipline, and independence. Yoga is also a way to help you make the most appropriate choices to live a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Many studies have proven yoga can really help manage stress, reduce depression, anxiety, improve mood and help sleep better.

Not only that, but yoga is also proven to have the ability to increase flexibility, improve balance and coordination of the body. In addition, it also helps relieve pain and increase strength. Please learn more about the benefits of Yoga:

Health benefits of yoga when practiced regularly

As society is becoming more and more civilized and modern, our pace of life is also getting faster and faster, which causes the mind and nervous system to be constantly stimulated. Yoga will provide space to slow down the mind and help us restore a sense of balance.

Practicing yoga helps to increase flexibility and flexibility of the body

In 2016, Yoga Journal and Yoga Association conducted a study in the US and found that 36.7 million people are practicing yoga, a 50% increase from 2012. Although the exact cause is still unclear. This is the cause of this boom, but according to experts, this may be due to the health benefits of yoga:

  • Enhance blood circulation of the body
  • Improve immune system
  • Helps the body eliminate toxins
  • Against aging
  • Protect and help keep the spine healthy
  • Enhance bone health
  • Full body weight loss support

Not only is it beneficial for the body, but regular yoga practice will also help you reduce stress, improve sleep, increase the concentration of the mind through breathing exercises, meditation. Yoga brings so many benefits, but did you know, this type is derived from the harsh practice that originated in India.

Origin of yoga

According to the yoga sutra of the sage Patanjali, yoga is defined as “the ability to put an end to the wandering thoughts of the mind”. In this book, yoga is divided into eight different paths of practice:

  • Yamas – Moderation
  • Niyamas – Code of Conduct
  • Asana – Posture
  • Pranayama – Controlling the breath
  • Pratyahara – Mastering your emotions
  • Dharana – Concentration
  • Dhyani – Meditation
  • Samadhi – The state of bliss

Today, Asana yoga is the most focused on the above 8 branches of yoga. Asana yoga was developed in the early 20th century by Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. Later, his three most famous students developed other distinctive styles of yoga. Each style has different characteristics and benefits.

In general, yoga is a discipline with a long history and many stages of development. However, at any stage, the main goal of yoga is to help the practitioner increase strength from physical to mental.

Types of yoga philosophies

Yoga has many different types and exercises, each with its own characteristics. Therefore, you need to learn carefully about the types of yoga to be able to make a suitable choice.

  • Hatha yoga: Hatha yoga exercises are very suitable for beginners because the movements are slower than other types.
  • Vinyasa, ashtanga and power yoga: These types of yoga will have a higher level of “challenging” than Hatha yoga. However, the difficulty will depend on your instructor.
  • Iyengar yoga: Includes movements performed slowly, with lots of detail. This type focuses on the details of each pose, the adjustment of the body, and the use of supportive yoga tools.
  • Bikram or hot yoga: Consists of two breathing techniques and 26 postures repeated in sequence for 90 minutes, combined with a high-temperature training environment of about 35-40 degrees Celsius. However, some people are sensitive to it. temperature or are experiencing some health problems may find hot yoga uncomfortable.
  • Kundalini yoga: Often used as a type of healing yoga. This type of yoga has a combination of meditation, chanting and spiritual elements.
  • Viniyoga: This type of yoga focuses on breathing and meditation. Viniyoga is suitable for people with limited mobility, people who want to practice from the inside out, people who want to experience relaxation, want to be more aware of their body and posture.
  • Jivanmukti: A series of movements that combine meditation, empathy, chanting, and listening. Jivanmukti is suitable for those who want to incorporate the spiritual elements and ancient teachings of yoga into their practice.
  • Yin: A series of movements mainly in lying and sitting positions, each position is held for 3-5 minutes. This type of yoga is suitable for people with chronic pain, muscle tension, or depression. Yin yoga has the effect of releasing the tension, regenerating, rejuvenating the working range of muscles and connective tissues.
  • Restorative: Includes very gentle poses that are held for 10 minutes with the help of yoga equipment such as blankets, cushions, and straps. Similar to yin yoga, this type of yoga has a calming effect on the nervous system, suitable for people with chronic pain and depression.

Perform basic weight loss yoga exercises at home from AZ

For women who love yoga also realize the perfect function of this subject. If you think it's easy to practice Yoga, some poses look as easy as eating porridge, then please try it. If you exercise properly and keep it like that, you will see that 5 minutes must be many calories burned.

See also  Yoga slim waist: Exercises many people have done with results

General implementation:

  • Follow this route at least 3 times a week, hold each posture one by one for 3-5 deep breaths/time. Otherwise, the goal will not be achieved.
  • Start with Main Pose for each movement. If it's too difficult to do, choose the Easy Practice option.
  • If it's not hard enough, try the Hard Work option.
  • To accelerate results, hold each pose for 5-8 breaths and increase the number of repetitions to 2-3.

Crescent moon pose

Crescent moon pose

Goal: Toning abs, hips, and thighs

  • Stand with feet parallel, closed, toes pointed straight, arms extended to the sides.
  • Inhale deeply, raise your arms above the ceiling.
  • Exhale, bend forward from the hips, pulling your hands to the floor.
  • Deep breath. Then, exhale, bring your right leg back, left knee bent 90 degrees.
  • Inhale, raise your arms above your head, eyes looking forward.
  • Hold the position, return to the starting position and repeat for the other leg.

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Willow pose

Willow pose

  • Stand with your feet together, hands to your sides. Place the left foot on the inside of the right thigh, with the left knee bent. Touch your palms in front of your chest for the first 2 breaths.
  • On the next breath, extend your arms overhead, fingertips pointing up toward the ceiling—Exhale, lean to the left.
  • Inhale, return to the original position.
  • Repeat and switch sides.

Rocking boat pose

Rocking boat pose

  • Sit down on the mat; knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Two hands holding thighs. Keep your body straight.
  • Lean back 45 degrees, raise your legs so that your calves are parallel to the floor, toes pointing forward.
  • Inhale deeply, stretch your arms and legs out, close your legs together. Exhale; while inhaling, lower your body and legs to 10cm from the floor so that your body forms a V.
  • Exhale, lift legs back up. Repeat 5 times.

Flying pose

Flying pose

This is also one of the effective weight loss yoga poses similar to Plank. Get into a push-up position with straight arms, hands under shoulders, body forming a straight line.

Inhale, lower your chest to the floor so that your upper arm is parallel to your body. Exhale, push back.

Seat posture

Seat posture

  • Stand up straight, legs closed, arms stretched out to the sides.
  • Inhale, raise your arms above your head, palms facing each other.
  • Exhale, sit down to create a 45-degree angle.

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Detailed instructions for yoga exercises to remove eye bags for beginners

Yoga instructor, Margaret Hudson, shares that the following yoga poses will increase pressure on the head, helping blood flow to the swollen area more.



This is one of the easiest poses. This pose helps to relax muscles, relieve stress, and prevent constipation. It energizes the body and improves blood circulation everywhere. People should do it in the morning, on an empty stomach.

  • Sit with your back straight, legs straight, together.
  • Bring your arms out in front of you and bend over.
  • Let your forehead touch your knees, chest pressed against your thighs.
  • Reach out and grab your toes.
  • Hold for 60 seconds.

Halasana pose

Halasana pose

This yoga pose helps to harness the hidden energy inside the body. This movement helps to reduce stress, improve digestion, and make eating more appetizing. This is also a yoga exercise to help reduce puffiness, headaches, and insomnia.

  • Lie straight, legs together, hands on both sides, palms facing down.
  • Raise your legs to be perpendicular to your body.
  • Squeeze your hands down, lift your hips.
  • Place your feet over your head, toes touching the floor.
  • Hold for 60 seconds.

Chakrasana pose

Chakrasana pose

It should be done in the morning or evening on an empty stomach. This pose helps to improve the respiratory system, nervous system, fight depression and anxiety.

  • Lie straight, arms by your sides.
  • Bend knees, soles of feet pressed to floor.
  • Keeping your shoulders straight, bend your arms back, palms pressed to the floor, in front of your shoulders.
  • Lift people.
  • The weight is on the arms and legs. Head down.
  • Hold for 60 seconds.

In addition, you also have to work hard to practice more sports exercises to support and enhance health.

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Instructions on how to choose a yoga mat

If you are a yoga lover, a good mat is indispensable. A quality carpet will feel different from a poor quality carpet. Therefore, take the time to learn about how to choose a good yoga mat to find your “companion” in each exercise.

Basic meditation techniques to master before starting yoga exercises

Meditation is an integral part of yoga. In fact, practicing yoga physically prepares the body and mind for the process of meditation.

Here are basic meditation techniques that you can do at home:

  • Find a quiet, comfortable spot.
  • Set a timer for how long you want to meditate (about 5-10 minutes).
  • Close your eyes.
  • Listen to the sounds around you, from when they start until they fade away.
  • You can feel your temperature or what is touching your skin.
  • Focus awareness from the head and move down to the feet. What parts of your body are hard to feel? Which parts of your body are easier to feel?
  • Enhance your sense of breath. Notice the cool air as you inhale and the warm air as you exhale.
  • Start counting your breaths: 1 for inhalation, 2 for exhalation.

Yoga equipment

Yoga does not require too many tools. The first and most important tool is your readiness. In addition, you will need to add:

  • Yoga mats: Should choose carpets with good grip, anti-slip when practicing. Do not rub the laundry a lot, just use a towel soaked in warm water with vinegar to wipe. Yoga mats after use should not be rolled up immediately but should be left to dry to prevent sweat, mold, and moisture.
  • Props and other equipment: In addition to the yoga mat, which is recommended, most yoga classes will provide all the other equipment and props you need, such as pillows, exercise blocks, etc.

The mat is an indispensable item for yoga practitioners

If you don't come to class and invite a home yoga instructor, you can buy a few basic things like a yoga mat, yoga ball, or use what you have at home instead.

Choose the right clothes when practicing yoga

You need to choose comfortable yoga clothes so as not to cause problems and difficulties when practicing. You can choose tights, shorts or shorts. With a shirt, you can choose a shirt that is comfortable with the right amount of coverage and doesn't show too much so you don't have to constantly tweak your shirt during your workout.

A tank top or T-shirt with good stretch cotton fabric will be the ideal choice for both men and women. You should not choose designs with too tight necklines to avoid discomfort when performing upside-down movements.

You will not need to prepare shoes because most yoga movements are done with bare feet. You can also wear a pair of yoga socks with soles on the bottom to keep your feet from slipping.

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Choose a place to practice yoga

Usually, yoga classes in centers and clubs will be the choice that many people think of. However, this is not the only option. You can choose to practice yoga at the following locations:

Gym room

Today, most major gyms offer yoga classes. If you are already a member of a certain gym, you can regularly attend classes at no extra cost.

The teachers at this gym are mostly experienced people. However, you may also encounter some new instructors from time to time.

Yoga studio

Home to highly qualified, experienced yoga instructors. At these gyms, there will often be many classes with different time frames for you to choose from. However, the cost to attend classes at yoga studios is often quite expensive and some people may feel apprehensive about this.

If you don't have time to attend classes, you can invite a private yoga instructor to tutor you at home

At home

If you don't have time to attend classes at a certain time frame, you can invite a private yoga instructor to tutor you at home. At this point, you can flexibly arrange the time and place to practice. Your personal instructor will also rely on your body condition to recommend the most suitable yoga exercises.

The importance of a yoga mat

Yoga is currently growing in popularity and is loved by many people due to its positive physical and mental health effects.

Compared to other disciplines, yoga requires very few tools and equipment. In the gym, you will be equipped with all the necessary equipment. However, you should still buy yourself a personal mat if you do not want to share it or save it for practice sessions at home. Here are some of the benefits of a yoga mat.

1. Balance support

Balance support

Most yoga poses require you to keep your balance, and a good mat can make all the difference in your practice. Beginners will need this help.

2. Anti-slip

A good mat will help you not slip, slip your hands when practicing, avoid danger and injury. Think of the one-legged standing poses; it's terrible if you lose your balance and slip, right?

3. Keep your body warm in the cold season

In winter, no one likes to be exposed to the cold floor, especially in crawling movements, lying down… A gym or yoga mat will help you feel warmer and protect your health.

4. Keep your body clean

The floor, especially the gym floor, always contains dirt, bacteria that cause itching or allergies to the skin. Using a personal rug will help keep your friend clean.

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Tell you how to choose a good and suitable yoga mat

This is a very worthwhile investment, so learn carefully how to choose a yoga mat to buy a worth the money. Here are the factors you should consider.

1. Yoga mat size

Which type of yoga mat to buy will depend on the size, and to choose the right size, you must consider your body shape.

  • Thickness

If you are slim and petite, choose a padded rug. Because if your friend is low in fat, it is like missing a “buffer.” Then, it would help if you chose a rug that is at least ¼ inch (about 6mm) thick. People with joint pain should also choose a thick mat to exercise more comfortably and without pain.
Those with fuller skin can exercise with a mat 1/8 inch (3mm) thick.

  • Length

A standard rug is usually 68 inches (172cm) long. This yoga mat size will cater well to people whose height is under 168cm. If you're taller than that, buy a rug that's longer or stretchy.

  • Width

Common rugs are 61 or 63cm wide. However, those who prefer comfort and have a spacious practice space can choose an ultra-wide mat – 80cm.

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2. Weight of carpet

  • When shopping formats, always consider where you will practice.
  • If you practice at home, most basic mats will work.
  • If you bring a mat to class, the gym, or plan to take it with you while traveling, choose a lightweight rug.
  • The same material, the thicker the carpet will be heavier, when rolled it is also bigger than the thin ones. So if you often carry your mats around, you should choose thin ones, or if you can afford them, buy 2, 1 thick and good to practice at home, 1 light and compact to carry.
  • Good mats such as PU will weigh up to 1.5-2kg. NBR or PVC carpets are lighter.

3. What type of yoga do you practice?

Depending on what form of yoga you usually practice, you will know which type of yoga mat to choose.

  • Vinyasa Yoga: Vinyasa Yoga classes will require many complex movements, so you need a mat with good friction so that your arms and legs don't slip.
  • Yin Yoga: Restorative and relaxing, slow motion, so you need a soft, cushioned mat.
  • Hot Yoga or Bikram Yoga: These are classes in a hot room; you have to invest in a specially designed, sweat-proof mat to keep the mat clean and durable. If you join these yoga classes, you cannot use ordinary mats because they will be damaged. Ask the seller for advice on the right type.

4. Material of carpet

If you want to know which yoga mat to buy, an important and indispensable factor is the material.

  • PVC carpet

This is one of the most popular materials used to make basic yoga mats, very cheap.

However, this type of mat is not highly recommended by Yogis because polyvinyl chloride is a carcinogen. It is not good for health as well as the environment because it is difficult to recycle. After a while, the carpet loses its elasticity, the plastic particles come off, it's easy to get dirty, and it has an unpleasant plastic smell. So limit the use of carpets from PVC.

  • Rubber mats

Mats made from natural rubber will be a better choice and are favored by many yoga practitioners. It is widely sold in the market at a not too high price.

  • NBR . carpet

NBR is a mat made of homologs of butadiene and acrylonitrile. The properties of this carpet are similar to natural rubber, with high elasticity with good compression or tension. NBR mats are usually thicker than 10mm, soft, smooth, and porous texture.

The mat is quite durable, cold-resistant when having to practice on the floor in the cold season, especially since the price is quite affordable. You can refer to the LiveUp Sports NBR Exercise Yoga Mat, a famous brand with and competitive price.

  • TPE carpet

Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) is a high-end and relatively new material in the exercise mat market, also known as young rubber.

The mat has elasticity, high elasticity, good strength, high-temperature resistance, good grip, anti-slip, durable, light, can be folded, and easy to carry.
Due to the high-quality material, the price of TPE carpet is also slightly higher than other types of carpet.

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LiveUp Sports TPE Yoga Mat with durable material, lightweight, and convenient design will be the best choice for you.

  • PU carpet

PU carpet is made of natural rubber combined with polyurethane, also belongs to the high-class carpet line produced by famous brands. This mat has excellent grip even when you sweat a lot; the carpet is thin and easy to roll up. The price of PU carpet is quite high and requires you to store and use it carefully.

  • Foam carpet

These rugs are quite soft and comfortable to use. Usually, the inside of the carpet will be foam padding; the outside is covered with cloth. This type supports good training, but the grip is a bit low. Although the outer shell is easy to wash, you cannot wash the foam inside.

  • Cotton carpet

This is a trendy carpet on the market. This type wicks sweat but are easy to wash, has a softer texture and more grip than foam mats.

5. Properties of carpet

Properties of carpet

After reviewing the standards such as size, weight, material, you also need to check its properties to know which yoga mat is good.

  • Elasticity, stretch

Mats with good elasticity will not sink, collapse, or deform after you perform exercises, as well as maintain durability after a period of use.

Try using 2 fingers to gently squeeze an angle according to the thickness of the carpet to check. If 2 fingers touch close together, it means that the mat is too soft; you may have pain when practicing due to contact with the ground. If the carpet is flattened and does not return to the same position, the elasticity is not good. Also, please do not choose a carpet that is too hard because it will not provide much support.

  • Anti-slip ability

When exercising, your sweat wets the mat, causing it to slip, which can be dangerous in some exercises. Look for a non-slip mat, especially if you often do vigorous movements. Carpets need a strong grip, no matter how much you have to move.

To test, you spread the carpet on the floor, use your hands to push the carpet. If you feel your hands slip away, the anti-slip ability of the carpet is not good.
You can also choose carpets with a non-stick surface.

Although these mats have a rough texture and can cause irritation if your skin is sensitive, they will have a great advantage when you practice intense yoga poses.

  • Surface flatness

When buying a carpet, try spreading it out to see if the carpet is flat. If the carpet's surface has protrusions, it means the carpet is of poor quality or has been damaged; you should choose to buy another one.

6. Carpets are easy to store and maintain

An easy-to-store rug would be a great choice. Carpets that cannot be rolled up can be a huge inconvenience. When shopping for rugs, choose a lightweight rug that can be rolled up if you want to carry it around.

If you are a regular yoga practitioner, you can consider buying a few accessories for your mats, such as a cotton handle, a basket, or a carrying case.

7. The price of carpet

Price is also a factor that has a lot of influence on your decision. How much does a yoga mat cost? It depends on the material, size, and brand of manufacture.

Borderless 1/8-inch PVC mats are usually the cheapest but tend to wear out quickly and are not as durable. If you are determined to exercise seriously and for a long time, you can think about buying a better and more expensive mat.

The carpet is thick and smooth, has high adhesion, does not stick to the skin, famous brands will usually have a higher price, but if the quality is good, it can be used for a long time, of course, it is not called “expensive.”

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How to behave when participating in yoga classes for newbies

Respect and abide by classroom rules

Just like other classes, when coming to yoga classes, you also need to adhere to basic rules of behavior such as respecting the teacher, respecting your fellow practitioners, and respecting yourself. In addition, you should not be late because it will disrupt other trainees as well as affect your own lesson. Cell phones should be turned off or set to silent until class is over.

It is recommended to arrive earlier than the start time of the lesson

Arrive a little earlier than class time to have time to prepare and find a suitable practice spot in class. Especially during the first session, you may have to fill out some necessary paperwork.

Yoga teachers often start with basic breathing exercises and slow poses

Ask questions after class

Your instructor will answer your concerns at the end of the class. This is a great time to get more information about specific poses or simply to develop a relationship with your teacher.

At the end of the class, take time to evaluate your likes and dislikes and think about whether the pace and style of such a teacher are appropriate for your abilities. Based on this, you can make a decision whether to continue exercising or not.

Set yourself a limit when you start practicing yoga

This is very important, but most people who are new to yoga rarely care. Each person will have a different tolerance level, for one person these exercises may be safe and effective but not for another. Therefore, while most yoga poses are safe, you still have to listen to your body and set your limits.

For example, if you have back pain, you can ask your personal trainer to tailor the exercises accordingly. After studying, you should only practice the poses that the teacher has taught you, not try new movements. Because many yoga poses will require considerable strength and balance. You will need time to develop this.

In addition, if you find yourself learning slowly, taking a long time to do a correct posture, do not lose patience or shame. Since you are not the only one, there are many people facing the same problem.

Cost to practicing yoga

The cost to practice yoga is also very flexible, depending on your financial ability. Regarding clothes, you can choose to wear available clothes that you find comfortable and can move easily to save costs.

Currently, with the complicated epidemic situation, you can completely practice at home with videos or courses at very cheap prices.

A few “mysteries” surrounding yoga

There are many “anecdotes” surrounding the practice of yoga. But most of these rumors are just myths, not true. You should not believe that yoga is only for girls or you need to have a flexible body and slim body to practice yoga.

Also, yoga is not a religion. This exercise is not “too difficult” or “too easy”. Yoga is also not exclusive to vegetarians. Yoga is for people of all levels, and yoga can fit any lifestyle.

Above is some basic information that new yoga practitioners should know.

With a good mat, you will feel your training sessions more comfortable and enjoyable, more motivated to practice. And you already know how to choose a good yoga mat, buy yourself a quality and value-for-money companion.

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