Why Do I Feel Hungry After Eating a Big Meal?

By: Stephanie Hoffnung

The more you eat, you will gain weight; the more you eat, the more belly fat will accumulate in your waistline, which is completely understandable.

But why and why do you not stop eating when you are full.

We don't stop eating when we eat a lot or why we eat a lot because our brains are being delayed and controlled by certain types of hormones. Factors that stimulate the appetite.

Many people eat a lot continuously but don't feel full; there's no signal to the brain that we are full and should stop the cravings.

These are why people who eat continuously still feel hungry because, in the foods they eat, hormones block hormones that report to the brain that our bodies are full. And we don't need to eat anymore.

Learning about the reasons the symptoms cause you to crave is how we can adjust our diet to achieve weight and overall health.

Hunger is a normal phenomenon of a person, and we don't feel hungry every day, especially at 3 main meals.

However, you have never encountered the phenomenon of hunger fast or symptoms constantly hungry or not?

Why do i feel hungry after eating a big meal?
Why do I feel hungry after eating a big meal?

That can be a sign of a certain disease or a problem that you need to read right away the information below!

Hunger is a natural phenomenon of the human body because it tells you that you need to supplement food.

When you are hungry, your stomach will often gurgle and be quite gnawing, or you may experience headaches, frustration, or inability to concentrate.

Most people will usually need a few hours to digest all the food they ate before they start feeling hungry again.

However, this is not the same for everyone.

There are several complete explanations for this, including whether a diet lacks protein, fat, or fiber, or it can also be due to excessive stress or lack of water. Now BellyFatZone invites you to refer to this article together!

The reasons for constant hunger are also known as fast hunger.

Note, you need to read carefully to check if you have this condition than the problem. From there, you will easily determine the appropriate handling direction.

1. Not eating enough protein

Not eating enough protein

Eating enough protein every day will help control hunger/cravings extremely effectively. Now you understand why I should read right away how many grams of protein I eat per day.

Protein has ingredients that help reduce hunger, help you automatically absorb fewer calories during the day.

Protein works by increasing the production of the satiety signaling hormone and reducing the levels of hunger hormones.

Thanks to these positive effects, you will likely feel hungry often if you don't eat enough protein.

In a recent study, 14 overweight men who took part in the trial, who ate about 25% of their daily calories from protein for 12 weeks, felt that they had a 50% reduction in late-night snacking. Compared to the group of people who ate less protein.

Besides, people who ate more protein often reported feeling full longer and had less thought about food.

Bellyfatzone has prepared an article about top natural foods high in protein.

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So there is nothing too difficult to add to your daily diet. Adding protein-rich foods to every meal can help prevent hunger pains.

Animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, etc., often contain high protein levels.

There is also a lot in dairy products, including fresh milk and yogurt and protein-rich plant foods, like nuts and grains.

Finally, you may choose to purchase a Whey supplement, which will quickly replenish the purest and highest-quality protein source.

In short: Protein plays an important role in appetite control by controlling hunger hormones. Because of this, you may constantly feel hungry if you don't eat enough protein.

Read more: Meal Plan For Lean Weight Gain For You.

2. You are not getting enough sleep

You are not getting enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is extremely important to your health. Sleep is a necessary condition to maintain the functioning of the brain and the immune system.

View more: Best Sleeping Position to Reduce Belly Fat

It also reduces the risk of many chronic diseases, including heart attacks and cancer.

Additionally, getting enough sleep is a factor in appetite control, as it helps regulate ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. Lack of sleep increases ghrelin levels.

That's why you feel more hungry when you are sleep deprived.

In one study, 15 people who lacked sleep for just 1 night reported feeling more hungry and ate 14% more rations than those who slept for 8 hours.

Getting enough sleep also helps ensure leptin levels are stable – a hormone that helps you feel full. To help control your hunger, get at least 8 consecutive hours of sleep each night.

In short: Lack of sleep causes an increase in the levels of hormones that cause hunger and makes you fall into a state of hunger after eating.

Choose the best pillow for your sleep.

3. Eat too many processed carbs

Eat too many processed carbs

Processed carbs are processed starches with which most fiber, vitamins, and minerals have been removed.

One of the most common sources of processed starch is white flour, found in whole grain foods like white bread and pasta.

Foods such as sodas, sweets, and baked goods made with processed sugar are considered processed starchy foods.

Since processed starches lack filling fiber, your body will digest them very quickly.

This is the main reason why you tend to be hungry if you eat a lot of processed carbohydrates, as it doesn't fill your stomach.

Besides, eating a variety of these foods can cause high blood sugar levels. That increases insulin levels, a hormone responsible for the metabolism of sugars into cells.

When more insulin is released simultaneously in response to high blood sugar, it works by quickly removing sugar from the bloodstream.

This will cause a sudden drop in blood sugar. A drop in blood sugar levels signals the body to eat more food.

This is another reason you often feel hungry if processed carbs are a regular part of your diet.

To cut back on processed carbs, alter them with whole, healthy foods, such as green vegetables, fruits, whole grains …

These foods are all rich in carbs but also high in fiber. This helps control hunger extremely effectively.

Bottom Line: Processed carbs lack fiber and cause an imbalance in blood sugar. This is the main reason why eating a lot of these food groups will keep you hungry.

Read more: What is The Paleo Diet Plan?

5. The diet is too low in fat

The diet is too low in fat
Close-up of the bottle with pouring olive oil and vegetable salad

Fat plays an important role in helping you feel full. This results from having to take a long time to digest and keep the fat in your stomach for quite a long time.

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Besides, eating a lot of fat may stimulate the release of many fullness hormones.

For these reasons, you may feel hungry often if your diet is too low in fat.

One study of 270 obese adults found that those who ate a low-fat diet increased their cravings for starchy foods, especially those with high sugar content, compared to a group of people. Are on a low-carb diet.

Additionally, people in the low-fat group reported that they often felt more persistent than the low-carb group.

There are many large healthy fats that you can add to your diet to increase the fat content.

Certain fats, such as Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) and omega-3 fatty acids, have been studied for their effects on reducing appetite.

MCTs' food sources are coconut oil and the omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel.

You can also get large amounts of omega-3s from plant foods, such as flaxseeds and almonds.

Some other healthy, fatty food sources are avocados, olive oil, eggs, and yogurt.

Bottom line: You may constantly feel hungry if you don't eat enough fat. That's because fats play a role in slowing digestion and increasing satiety hormones.

5. Not drinking enough water

Not drinking enough water

Getting enough water is extremely important for your health.

Drinking enough water has many health benefits, including brain stimulation, health, and optimal exercise performance. Besides, water also helps healthy skin and digestive system.

Water also helps fill the stomach and helps reduce appetite if taken before eating.

In one study, 14 people who drank 2 glasses of water before eating ate 600kcal less than those who did not.

Thanks to the water's ability to fill the stomach, you will find yourself falling into a state of fast hunger if you don't drink enough water.

The feeling of thirst can be mistaken for being hungry. If you are constantly hungry, drink 1-2 glasses of water to see if you are thirsty.

To make sure you drink enough water each day, drink it when you feel thirsty. Eating plenty of water-rich foods, such as vegetables and fruits, can also help you stay hydrated.

6. Lack of fiber in the diet

Lack of fibre in the diet

If your diet lacks fiber, you will fall into hunger fast. Eating plenty of foods high in fiber will help control hunger effectively.

High-fiber foods slow down the rate at which your stomach is empty and take longer to digest than low-fiber foods.

Besides, the absorption of high fiber also affects hormones that reduce hunger and increase short-chain fatty acids, which cause rapid satiety.

There are many different fiber types, and some are better than others for filling and fighting hunger.

A few studies have found that water-soluble fiber helps fill your stomach better than insoluble fiber.

Many different foods like oats, cold seeds, sweet potatoes, oranges contain much soluble fiber.

Diets rich in fiber help reduce hunger and help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity …

Immediately supplementing with daily amounts of vitamins and minerals that sometimes inadequate diets lack nutrients.

7. Distracted eating

Distracted eating

If your life is too busy, you often end up in a distracted eating state. While this will save you time eating while doing other things, distracted eating can be detrimental to your health.

It causes you to eat more cravings, increase calories and gain weight.

The reason for this is that distraction reduces your perception of how much you've eaten.

It also prevents you from realizing your body is full. Several studies have shown that people who are distracted by their food are more hungry than those who are not distracted.

See also  Top 18 Good Fats For Weight Loss - To Have in Your Kitchen

In one study, 88 women were instructed to eat in distraction or silence. People who eat while working differently are less likely to feel full and tend to eat more.

To avoid distraction or distraction when you eat, you can try some mental focus techniques that limit eating while watching the phone or television.

8. Excessive exercise

Excessive exercise

People who exercise regularly or burn too many calories. This is especially true if you regularly train at high intensity or engage in activities for extended periods of time …

Studies have shown that people who exercise at high intensity usually metabolize faster.

This means they burn more calories while resting, compared to those who exercise little or no.

Although many studies have shown exercise to help control appetite, there is still plenty of other evidence that high intensity, long-term exercise causes hunger. More often than those who do not.

It's best to eat before, during, and after a workout with foods rich in fiber, protein, and good fats. Another solution you should add more protein to your meal will be faster, especially choose Whey milk!

If you still do not know where to start training, please refer to some sports accessories to help you work out at home better; you can practice anytime, anywhere to help your body in a healthy balance.

9. Drink a lot of alcohol

Drink a lot of alcohol

Alcohol always causes cravings. Many studies have shown that alcoholic beverages suppress appetite-reducing hormones, such as leptin, especially when you drink it before or during a meal.

For this reason, you may feel hungry more and more quickly if you drink too much alcohol.

In 1 study, 12 men drank 40ml of alcoholic beverages before lunch and absorbed 300kcal more with a meal than a group who drank only 10ml.

Additionally, those who drank more alcohol typically ate 10% more calories than the rest of the day. In particular, they tend to eat a lot of foods high in salt and fat.

Not only does alcohol make you hungry, but it also affects your brain's ability to judge and control.

10. Drink too many high-calorie drinks

Drink too many high-calorie drinks

Solid or liquid foods affect your appetite in a variety of ways.

If you often drink smoothies, juices instead of meals or soups, you will feel more continuously hungry than when you eat solid foods.

This is because liquid foods usually pass through the stomach a lot faster than solid foods.

Additionally, many studies have recommended that liquid foods do not control hunger hormones effectively as solid foods.

Eating liquid foods usually takes less time than eating solid foods. This causes your body to signal more, and you will eat more. To reduce this, it is best to eat along.

11. Excessive stress

Excessive stress

Excess stress is also the cause of increased appetite. This is due to an increase in cortisol, a hormone that has been shown to increase hunger and cravings.

Why You Feel Hungry After Eating Video:

For this reason, you will find that you often feel hungry faster if you are under stress.

Those are all the reasons why you are constantly hungry. To avoid getting hungry quickly, please pay attention to the above!

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Hopefully, the information above has helped you gain some more knowledge about “why do I feel hungry after eating a big meal” and brought some small value to you. Please share this article if you feel it is useful. Thanks!


Stephanie Hoffnung
Stephanie Hoffnung is a talented writer with a deep passion for anatomy and scientific literature. She has dedicated her career to the study of the human body and the ways in which it can be rejuvenated and revitalized. Stephanie's passion for anatomy and scientific literature is evident in her writing. She is meticulous in her research and is committed to providing her readers with accurate and up-to-date information. Her attention to detail and thorough understanding of anatomy make her a valuable resource for those looking to improve their health and fitness. Aside from her scientific pursuits, Stephanie is also deeply interested in rejuvenation. She believes that the body has a remarkable ability to heal and regenerate itself, and is dedicated to exploring the many ways in which this can be achieved. Stephanie is a valued member of the team at bellyfatzone.com, where she shares her expertise on anatomy and rejuvenation. Her articles are informative, engaging, and accessible, making them a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their health and fitness.
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And our body is no exception. To gain weight, you need to take in more calories than you burn each day and to lose weight, you need to do the opposite. But surely you don't want to leave behind a lot of wrinkles after that weight loss process. To solve them, the best way is to practice practical exercises.

Albert Einstein

But you also find you are too busy in this competitive life without much time to pay attention to the diet and less time to exercise, from which people create supplements. The best part is that you can save meal time by adding the right ingredients and doing the right exercises effectively, keeping you healthy in the long run.

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