Sleep is one of our most important health components, and you can easily find that the time we spend sleeping makes up a third of our lives.
During sleep, not the body resting but while sleeping in some parts, some organs work, but others increase activity frequency.
For example, the muscular system will decrease the frequency of activity. Our urinary system will still work harder to filter the blood to filter toxins and excrete those toxins from our bodies.
So if you lose sleep or sleep too late, the time spent on these secretory systems will be less, and of course, the number of toxins we excrete from the body will also decrease.
This, if it happens for a long time, will cause the metabolic system to weaken, leading to disorder. In other words, the disturbance of the metabolic system is the premise of obesity. Then later, that entails a series of related problems.
The harmful effects of staying up late put you at risk for health and increase your risk of obesity. So how do you prevent staying up late causing obesity?

As life gets busier and more and more modern with technology, you feel like if you don't stay up late, you “can't finish all.”
You may have to stay up late trying to fulfill deadlines or think about tackling life-stressing issues.
You can also stay up late to take the time to enjoy your personal interests. After tiring working hours, you can relax with movies, entertainment programs, or video games.
When you focus on your entertainment, you can even be so passionate about forgetting about bedtime and ignoring the serious effects of staying up late.
So do you stay up late to gain weight? The answer is yes.
The habit of staying up late makes you more susceptible to heart disease and cancer, weakens immunity, and increases your risk of obesity.
Let's find out the causes of staying up late, causing obesity, and practicing early sleeping habits to protect your health! Now BellyFatZone invites you to refer to this article together!
Staying up late makes it easy to gain weight.
According to a study from the University of California Berkeley (USA), adolescents and adults who regularly sleep late are more at risk of weight gain than those of the same age who sleep early.
Research has also shown a link between sleep and body mass index (BMI).
BMI is the measure of a person's body weight in kilograms (kg) divided by the square of his height in meters (m). The healthy BMI range in an adult is between 18.5 and 24.9.
The Berkeley study tracked teenagers' effects and behavior into three stages – the onset of puberty, college-age, and adulthood.
Researchers compared bedtime time and BMI of teenagers from 1994 to 2009. The study results showed that teenagers who went to bed earlier had a healthier weight when they entered adulthood.
In another study, 4–5-year-olds who slept less at night, leading to lack of sleep, increased the risk of obesity over time. The obesity rate was higher in babies who slept about 9.5 hours less per night than those who went to bed at 9 pm with adequate sleep.
The results of studies have shown that staying up late is one of the risk factors for obesity. This is an underlying cause of weight gain from everyday life habits that you may not realize.
Staying up late causes obesity – Why?
Researchers have shown that adults who do not get enough sleep 7-9 hours per night increase the risk of obesity. Let's find out the causes of staying up late to cause obesity below.
Stress hormones cause obesity.
Getting enough sleep helps prevent obesity and overweight and helps prevent heart disease, stroke, depression, and other chronic disorders. When you sleep, the body is repaired and restored.
If you don't get enough sleep regularly, stress hormones and other inflammatory factors are released in response to chronic stress.
One of the released stress hormones is the hormone cortisol. Cortisol causes glucose (sugar) to be released into the bloodstream to feed the brain and help the brain function better.
However, the side effects of cortisol can cause you to gain weight and, over time, cause obesity.
Chronic stress will cause your body to release more cortisol and stimulate the appetite significantly. That is also the reason why many people relieve stress by eating more than usual and causing weight gain.
Staying up late increases appetite
Indeed, studies have shown that lack of sleep can lead to overeating. For those trying to lose weight, getting enough sleep increases the chances of success.
Children depending on age may need more sleep at intervals of 10 hours or more per night.
When you lack sleep, your body will have cravings, especially for fast foods, foods rich in fat and carbohydrates.
Foods high in unhealthy fats and added sugars make you crave and overeat your daily calorie needs.
If you regularly stay up late and have a habit of eating before bed, you will be more likely to stay up late and snacking due to sleep habits.
Some people also have a habit of staying up late to “plow” movies, even eating and watching movies near the morning, increasing the risk of obesity.
The habits of getting enough sleep and getting to sleep early are extremely important rules if you are in the process of losing weight.
1. Harm lack of sleep with your work and health
For starters, let's see why this topic is so important. What are the effects of poor sleep?
Sleep and productivity
First, the lack of sleep is bad for your productivity. Academic research shows that 24 hours without sleep is the same as drinking four glasses of wine. It affects your decisions, perception, reaction time,…
Another study found that lack of sleep reduced employees' self-control and caused them to argue with, steal, or engage in other undesirable behavior in the workplace.
There is research on learning and memory, which shows that people who lack sleep are less likely to learn new skills or retain new information. And many studies show that lack of sleep makes people slower and less efficient.
Sleep and health
If you lack too much sleep, it not only hurts your work life – it's your health too.
The National Health Service of the United Kingdom (NHS) firmly states:
Poor sleep often puts you at risk for serious medical conditions, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes – and it shortens your life expectancy.
Does this scare you? If not, here are some more details, again from the NHS.
- Lack of sleep weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to disease.
- Lack of sleep causes hormonal changes that make you more inclined to gain weight.
- Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to long-term emotional disturbances such as anxiety and depression.
- People who sleep less than five hours a night have an increased risk of diabetes due to changes in how the body metabolizes glucose.
- People with reduced sleep often have low energy (less interest in sex).
- Long-term lack of sleep can increase blood pressure and put extra strain on the heart.
- Frequent sleep disruptions can affect the production of fertility hormones and increase the risk of infertility.
Yes, the facts may scare you enough. What can you do to prevent these terrible results? Quite a lot! Learn some healthy sleeping techniques in the next two sections.
2. Lifestyle changes to help you sleep:
Now that you know some quick solutions let's look at some longer-term solutions. What habits can you change to help you sleep better, not just tonight but every night?
Here are nine long-term solutions for what to do when you can't sleep:
1. Adjust the temperature, lighting, and sound
These are the three factors that greatly affect whether you can fall asleep early or not. It is difficult for you to sleep in a noisy space with too hot temperature or full of light, especially white light.
That is why adjustments are essential to help you fall asleep early and fall asleep easier. The temperature in your bedroom should be set cooler than you normally feel comfortable with.
A slightly lower temperature will make it easier to fall asleep. However, don't let the room temperature get too cold. Also, make sure your body temperature is normal before going to bed.
In terms of lighting, if you want the room to be completely dark, turn off all sources of light in the bedroom. If you love dim light, you can turn down the night light or wear an eyepatch.
Absolutely do not leave lights on when sleeping because it can make it difficult for you to fall asleep and interrupted sleep.
In terms of sound, if you want absolute silence, you should turn off all devices that emit sounds. And can wear earplugs before going to bed. It will help prevent sounds that interfere with your sleep.
2. Turn off electronic devices
This is also one of the effective ways to help you fall asleep earlier. Using the phone near bedtime or late at night is a bad habit for many people, especially young people.
Light from electronic devices or cell phones will often stimulate brain activity. Sometimes things on your phone make you fascinated, and you don't want to put your phone down even when you're sleepy.
This makes it impossible to fall asleep early, even stay up too late.
About 1 hour before bedtime, you should not use the phone or any electronic device. In case their use is required, pay attention to the brightness of the screen. Set the brightness back to night mode so that you can ease your eyes and avoid irritation to your brain.
3. Choose a suitable sleeping position
Sleep position is also one factor that determines a lot about whether you fall asleep early or not. Maintaining good posture will help you fall asleep. At the same time, it makes sleep more deep and comfortable.
Try starting to sleep in a position that makes you most comfortable with the following:
- Lie in a supine position, arms and legs stretched comfortably along the body.
- Lie on your side to the right
- Absolutely not lying in a muscular posture
- Putting your hands on your forehead is also a bad habit to give up soon.
To practice a good posture, you need to pay attention to the mattress you are using.
Mattresses have a strong or too hard cushion, pillows that are too high or too low will affect your sleep, especially when you live with musculoskeletal diseases.
Read more: What Is The Best Sleeping Position to Reduce Belly Fat?
4. Massage, press acupressure
Massage and acupressure are simple ways to help you fall asleep early. You can use your table and fingers to massage the entire body. Pay more attention to the face and head area if you want to stimulate early sleep.
For acupressure, you need to pay attention to determine the specific positions of the points to the press. Some of the following points can stimulate the nerves involved in sleep:
- Hypnotic point: Located just behind the ear and about 1.5 cm from the earlobe.
- Acupuncture points press the road: Located in the middle of the eyebrow line.
- The god acupuncture point: Located on the wrist right next to the hand, pointing from the little finger straight down.
- The celestial point: Located just above the neck spine, about 1.5 cm horizontally from the top vertebra.
Proceed to press and gently massage the above points, each point about 15-20 times. Avoid excessive pressure as it can easily damage the skin and outer soft tissue.
5. Take a warm bath
A warm bath is also an easy way to help you fall asleep earlier. In addition to making it easier to fall asleep, taking a warm bath has many great health benefits.
The heat from warm water stimulates blood circulation, helping blood circulation better.
The warm bath will also help the body be comfortable and the spirit to relax more, especially if you incorporate a few drops of essential oil into a warm water tub.
However, do not soak in a warm bath for too long. Besides, you should only shower, but avoid washing your hair at this time. Washing your hair at night can easily cause a cold or a headache.
6. Relax your mind
The difficulty of sleeping, going to bed late sometimes comes from thinking too much or experiencing stress in life. Now mind relaxation is a good way to help you fall asleep earlier.
There are many ways to relax your mind, for example:
- Reading: Should choose books with light content, not too attractive. Overly thrilling books with engaging or emotional content can keep you awake and awake longer.
- Listening to music: slow, soothing music or non-verbal music is also the medicine for your mental relaxation.
- Breathing exercises: You can do yoga pranayam exercises, abdominal breathing exercises, or 1-minute breathing exercises. Just close your eyes and focus on breathing well and visualize each part of your body relaxing.
- Meditation: This is another simple way in yoga that can help relax your mind. Close your eyes, relax your body, and don't think about anything.
7. Avoid alcoholic or caffeine drinks
Coffee or alcohol can disrupt your sleep cycle. Especially coffee can stimulate more flexible brain nerves. That is why when using it at night will make it difficult to sleep, stay up late.
Alcohol, on the other hand, will often make it easier to fall asleep. However, they cause a lack of deep sleep that makes you feel tired.
If you really want to drink 1 glass of wine in the evening, you should drink it at least 2 hours before bedtime. As for coffee, after 3 pm, you should not use it. Because coffee usually takes about 8 hours to be eliminated from the body.
8. The 15-minute rule
This is a novel approach to many people but is helpful when you are unable to fall asleep early. Experts say that if you've been to bed and closed your eyes for more than 15 minutes and you still can't sleep, try something else.
Not being able to sleep and still lying there will make your mind more stirring and alert. What you choose to do can be as simple as reading a book or walking around the room, or simply listening to a piece of music.
However, whatever you do, let the lights dim. Even when reading a book, never turn on the lights too bright.
9. Establish a routine
This is also one of the most effective ways to help you fall asleep earlier. Because sleeping late and having trouble sleeping can also be caused by the reason you maintain an inconsistent rest period.
We tend to sleep better if we follow a specific schedule, even on weekends. So try to avoid late-night parties, early morning flights, or other major disruptions to your schedule.
It can also help create a gentle routine around bedtime. It doesn't really matter what this sequence consists of – this intention is to perform the same actions in the same order every night, as a preparation for sleep. And only use the bed for sleep and sex, not for work, television, or other activities.
This will improve as you get your body used to going to bed and waking up every day at the same time. This will help the sleep cycle to be shaped and put into action. The best time frame for a good night's sleep is from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. the next day.
10. Use herbs
Certain herbal teas have been shown to have a sedative effect to help you relax more. Drinking herbal tea is also an effective way for you to fall asleep early.
If you often have trouble sleeping, try drinking a cup of tea a few hours before bedtime. However, do not drink too much because it can cause you to get up to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
Turning the herbal tea at night into a pre-bed routine will make it easier to fall asleep each day.
Here are some herbs that can be used to inhibit tea and drink to improve sleep:
- Chamomile
- Mint
- lavender
- Three ventricular buds
- Lotus mind
- Salted leaves
- Passionflower
Besides, some ingredients such as mint, lemon, lemongrass … can be used for steam. This is also very helpful, helping to keep your mind at ease so you can get rid of trouble sleeping soon.
11. Don't eat too late
Having a big meal right before bed can make you feel sleepy as your digestive system is working, but it's not a good idea like alcohol.
When you lie down, stomach acids can flow back up your throat, causing acid reflux and/or heartburn. Eat at least three hours before bed, and avoid spicy or spicy foods.
12. Exercise
Even just 10 minutes of exercise during the day can improve your sleep – it's best to do it in the afternoon or early evening, but not right before bed.
Exercise makes you tired, but it can reduce stress. And there may also be some benefit from increasing your body temperature for that day and allowing it to cool down and induce sleep later.
13. Set a clock to sleep early and wake up early
You need to build a habit of sleeping early and getting enough sleep about 7-9 hours each night to get up early the next morning to exercise.
Exercising in the morning will boost your energy for the new day and help you feel more tired and ready to go to bed at night. You can also do good night yoga exercises to relax your body and ease into falling asleep.
Also, don't get up late to avoid getting up early the next night. Likewise, you only need to take a nap for 15-20 minutes to make it easier to fall asleep at night.
14. Do not leave electronic devices in bedrooms
You should not leave electronic devices in the bedroom such as television, phone, laptop … These devices will make you focus on entertainment activities and make you lose sleep.
Even blue light from electronic devices is also damaging to your eyes and brain.
15. Design the bedroom to help you sleep well
If the weather is hot, you can open the air conditioner or open a window to help cool the air into the room. If it's cold, close the windows and cover them with a blanket to keep you warm. You can also leave night lights and air purifiers to help you relax and fall asleep.
16. Minimize working at night
The habit of working at night will make you stressed and increase the difficulty of sleeping. Lack of sleep can lead to a host of serious health problems, including obesity.
You can exercise in the morning to focus on working during the day as well as increase productivity. If you find yourself unable to meet deadlines, you can wake up early to work, avoid staying up late, damaging your health.
17. Eat foods that help you sleep
You can choose foods that help you sleep like bananas, berries, herbal teas, almonds, cereals, oats …
If there are days when you must stay up at night and feel hungry, you can also use the above foods. You also need to avoid foods rich in unhealthy fats that increase your appetite and cause you to eat more that causes weight gain.
You should not eat at night too often because this makes you fall asleep late and has many harmful effects of staying up late.
You should practice the habit of going to bed early and getting up early to build healthy living habits and better weight adjustment.
How To Fall Asleep In 2 Minutes
3. What about you still can't sleep?
Sleep tips often combine the following two distinct things:
- What to do when you cannot sleep right then.
- What to do to prepare yourself for better sleep.
If you are struggling and desperately searching the web for advice, it won't help tell you that you need to avoid caffeine three hours before bed.
So today, we will look at the two scenarios separately. This section will cover short-term solutions, and the next section looks at long-term solutions for better sleep.
So here are seven short-term methods to use when you can't sleep:
1. Stop trying
This sounds counterintuitive, doesn't it? But sometimes, trying to sleep can be the worst thing to do. It just makes you more frustrated, less comfortable, and less likely to sleep. You need to stop this cycle.
So sit up, go somewhere, and do something relaxing, like reading a book on the sofa. Only go back to bed when you start to feel tired.
This short-term remedy also has a long-term benefit of combining your bed with sleep, namely, non-alertness – we'll talk more about it later.
In cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), the method of paradoxical concepts is often used to treat insomnia. Really trying to stay awake can sometimes, paradoxically, help you fall asleep. So try it!
2. Stop judging
One thing that is sure to keep you awake is to judge your insomnia or be satisfied with dire thoughts (“if I don't get to bed early, I'll only have four hours before work, and I'll do it. messy presentation, and…).
If you look for judgments to come to mind, just label them and let them go. This may be easier said than done, but some of the following methods may help.
3. Meditate
Research has found clear links between meditation and better sleep. So, even if you're not an a priori by nature, try some simple breathing exercises to help you sleep.
Personally, I use an app called Buddhify, which guides you through meditation, specifically designed to help you sleep.
But the benefit of meditation is its simplicity – all you really need to do is close your eyes and focus all of your attention on your breath as if it flows in and out.
There are many books, websites, and apps on meditation out there if you need more guidance.
4. Read a book
Do you remember bedtime stories when you were a kid? They work, don't they? As the adults' voices tell of fairies and castles, you will feel your eyelids fall, and you will be asleep soon.
Try the same things now. Reading a good book can distract you from your worries and concerns and help you relax and sleep. You could also try an audiobook to mimic bedtime story effects to hear someone else's voice.
5. Write down your concerns
Sometimes you can't sleep because you have too much on your mind. In cases like these, it can help to write down everything that worries you.
By jotting it all down on paper, you can stop things from falling out of balance, and you can begin to relax when you realize that you have it under control and will cope with it in the morning.
6. Think about a relaxation scene
You've probably heard the age-old advice about counting sheep. Does it really work?
It doesn't work, according to research from Oxford University. However, according to the basic principles of distraction, your brain and the amount of time it takes to sleep are good advice.
That study found that while sheep counting was ineffective (it was too boring to practice or increased counters' anxiety), envisioning a relaxing scene like a peaceful beach helped everyone. People go to sleep 20 minutes earlier.
7. Episode 100 push-ups:
100 times in 5 rounds, try it … then you will immediately sink and sleep … this is a completely understandable mechanism of the body when you consume energy, especially at night …
Your body will be tired, it needs rest, or wipe sweat and rest for a while … remember to turn off the lights, or you will leave the lights on overnight because you fall asleep.
8. Ignore all of the above advice
Naturally, when your body needs sleep, it will balance itself and help you sleep.
Some experts believe that following a set of rules for when to sleep and how to sleep only adds to a person's anxiety and makes sleep a bigger problem than it really is.
They recommend simply accepting your insomnia and trusting your body to do what it needs to do.
So, if none of the nine methods above work for you, try to keep it simple, reduce insomnia anxiety, and let it naturally, depressing physical processes. Sleep will happen by itself.
4. See your doctor ask about all the problems:
While these methods will help most people, sometimes sleep deprivation can be caused by anxiety, depression, sleep apnea, or a reaction to certain medications you are using.
So if you have tried these methods and still cannot go to bed every night, or lack of sleep has a serious effect on your function, you should see your doctor.
Also, take into account any other health problems – if you notice other chronic illnesses that may affect you or are on medication, that could be causing your insomnia. See a doctor as soon as possible.
For most people, insomnia is a temporary phenomenon that can be dealt with quite simply, but if it's too long, don't be afraid to seek medical advice. An underlying problem can be treated with medicine, therapy, or other solutions.
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