How Much Weight Should I Lift for My Size?

By: BellyFatZoneTeam

Everyone who is asked what the purpose of the exercise is emphasized that we exercise because we want to be healthier and better.

As for most people who prefer heavy sports such as bodybuilding, everyone wants stronger muscles and bigger muscles.

However, not everyone wants their muscles to be extremely large or extremely healthy, but they only want muscles to withstand and party in daily labor.

Depending on the goals we achieve during training, we will choose the right weights to achieve this goal effectively.

In your opinion, how much weight lifting is the most appropriate and appropriate?

Choosing the right weight is not based on randomness. Here's how to determine the endurance you'll need to use to accelerate your development.

How much weight should i lift for my size?
How much weight should I lift for my size?

As a long-time gym, the expert that BellyFatZone talks about here often receives the two most common types of questions from beginners.

This question is not related to which protein powder they should choose but focus on another issue: How much weight should they lift in a specific exercise?

It was an excellent question, and the answer was not easy. Indeed, there are many possible variations here, so let's take a look at them all at once.

This will allow you to optimize your workout to make sure you're exercising the right weight each time.

You can choose a bar of about 9kg, fold up and down 75 times, and then you will feel tired and your hands almost dismantled.

At that time, sweat would surely rain. Conversely, you can choose a bar of about 40kg, fold up and down 8 times, then have to drop down because you can not do it anymore.

In both cases, you practiced extremely hard. But is there a better way than this?

It sounds quite surprising when you know that the answers vary depending on your goals. If you're looking to get as healthy as possible, you'll use heavier weights than those trying to be as big as possible.

And to improve your stamina, you'll only need to use a lighter weight.

Let's take a closer look at the following 3 training methods!

  • Strength training means selecting a set of weights that allow you to practice with 1-6 repetitions.
  • Building muscle means choosing a set of weights that will allow you to practice 8-12 reps.
  • Focusing on your abs' endurance means choosing a set of weights that will allow you to train at least 15 times.

How to identify how much weight is enough for you?

Train for strength

The strongest women and men – Olympic weightlifters. Bodybuilders always have only one idea in their minds: to get better.

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To lift the heavyweights in the competition, when they practice, they must also lift the heavyweights. That means hefty lifting.

Focusing on strength requires combining multiple muscle movements such as lying in the chair, squat, and weightlifting, such as shoulder and elbow joints working together for the chair.

Train for strength

This will use more muscles to help you lift the heavier weights.

Muscle bundles will be used during heavy exercise sessions called tachycardia; they tend to grow bigger and stronger to respond to endurance training.

However, they often get tired quite quickly, which explains why you can't lift a heavyweight so many times.

The interval between the main lifting weights is usually quite long (3-5 minutes) so that the recovery is not completely obstructing each set's goal.

Of course, lifting heavy weights will help warm the body first, so many warm-up exercises with heavier weights will need to be exercised before you reach the highest weights you can.

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Work out for muscle size.

While those who train to maximize strength are often quite large, their methods are not necessarily the most effective for optimizing muscle growth.

Bodybuilders and bodybuilders whose goal is to increase muscle size often choose a different method to determine how much weight they should use.

At this point, choosing a weight level that they can repeat 8-12 times will help optimize muscle growth. However, there are a few warnings that you need to pay attention to; let's handle them first.

It will help if you practice proper posture. You may have seen Youtube videos of guys pushing and lifting weights from the chest while lying on the couch because the weight is so heavy that they need to create some inertial force to lift the weight.

This does not count as a correct posture. Each exercise has a list of its correct postures.

In general, you must control the weight, and only the necessary muscle joints are used to supplement. If the movement requires hip or knee support to bend the hand weights, you are using unrelated muscle joints.

If so, then this is the wrong position. Remember, no matter how much we push but the wrong posture, the muscles will not develop equally and beautifully.

When practicing the intercostal exercises that do not work properly, the more you turn out, the more time you will gain!

Practising the muscles

Practicing the muscles

Perform exactly 1 game 8-12 times. Of course, you can only set a lightweight and stop at 12 reps, but that's not a good set.

A correct game means that you are practicing to the point where it is almost impossible to properly keep the posture. If you can do the 13th iteration, the weight you have used is too light.

Similarly, if you can only work out 4-5 times, the weight is too heavy to optimize muscle mass development. The key is to choose a weight level that you can do 8 to 12 repetitions.

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Bodybuilders also practice tugging muscles, often starting with coordinated movements of the body's muscles.

The following is a more intense formula (3-4 sets of exercises that work at different angles) and a shorter rest period (60 seconds for small muscle groups and up to 90 seconds for larger muscle bundles).

3-4 sets of exercises

Now, you have some understanding of how much weight is a standard, right?

Read more: 16 Ways to Lose Weight For a Lazy Person.

Train for endurance

Not all people train to become as big or as strong as possible.

You can practice at a lower intensity; This means that the weight you choose is related to the maximum weights you can make in one iteration.

This way builds strength for muscles without increasing in size. Therefore, the muscles can repeat several times over long periods of time without fatigue.

Focusing on muscle development means choosing very light weights that can be done 15-20 times or more.

Stimulating weight is not strong enough for optimal size or strength. This is because the muscles that are interacting with the muscle twitch slower than fast jerky.

These muscles are designed to be used for longer exercises and do not grow much in size.

Correlation between weight and number of repetitions

There are many questions for the BellyFatZone website about choosing the weight for beginners. If you know your goals, it's not hard to see how much weight you should spend on any exercise.

What you see is an inverse relationship between the number of iterations you have exercised and the weight. When you lift the weight, you do fewer repetitions. With lighter weights, you can practice more iterations.

For example, if the maximum weight for the weightlifting exercise on a chair is 105kg, then the total number of iterations you can perform concerning each weight increment is as follows:

Correlation weight & repetition

Because this example is unique to each individual for each exercise, you can rely on this to schedule the training process for yourself.

If this is the case for a chair that exercises weightlifting, to focus on strength, you need to train with a weight over 90kg; to increase the size, you need to work out with weights ranging from 65-85kg, and to increase your stamina, you need to use the weight below the limit of the diagram above, about 54kg.

Everyone has differences for each exercise. You will become familiar with your weight thanks to practice and the number of iterations.

Everyone has differences for each exercise

The key is to make sure you use the right amount of weight for your goals. If you always start each exercise with a set of exercises, you can prepare any weight (not the heaviest weight) and treat it as a warm-up movement. Changing the weight in the next game is necessary.

Note, remember to record the weight at the end of the training session on the phone.

Refine weight level

The difficult part is behind, but this does not mean that an experienced weight lifter cannot refine the optimal weight. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

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Exercise weightlifting to heat people up steadily

Some people consider starting up as time-consuming, but they will help you lift heavier weights. Your skin cells will be more elastic, and you must practice movement before moving on to heavier weights.

Note that even a bodybuilder may get it wrong, but the warm-up exercises are never wrong. Stop all workouts with light weights at the start.

For a bodybuilder who wants to practice lifting weights on a chair at 102kg and can do 8-12 reps, the starting weight must start at 61kg, 85kg, and 95kg.

Heavy training at the beginning of the session

This is probably one of the answers you should lift the most weights you expect.

As your energy begins to diminish during tough training, choose the most difficult exercises at the beginning of the training session when you are still extremely prolific.

During the training session, practice with different intensity levels. Excluding the warm-up motions, start the exercise at the lowest repetition level and keep the repetitions 12 times later.

Be careful of constantly overloading weights.

The muscles adapt themselves to training by growing bigger and stronger. Power trainees know that the best adaptation happens to fast-twitch muscles.

How do I know when to lift weights?

Try this method: When you can do more than 2 repetitions with a specific weight compared to the level you started, with two continuous sessions, raise the weight.

Be careful of constantly overloading weights

So if you started doing a chair lift with 8 reps at 102kg, but now you can do 10 reps, and you've achieved 10 reps in 2 successive sessions, raise the bar.

For upper body exercises such as lying in the chair, lift the weight by about 5%. So instead of using 102kg, raise it to 106kg.

For lower body exercises like squats, lift weights by about 10%. So instead of using the 102kg weight, lift 111kg.

How Much Weight Should I be Lifting for Best Results?

Let's say you succeeded when increasing in size and strength. To continue this progression, you must increase the challenge of muscle fibers by increasing endurance.

Complacency is your main enemy, always pushing yourself to increase the number of iterations or use a little heavier weight to accelerate the development process.

You've figured it out; now start practicing to help your muscles grow as much as possible!

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Albert Einstein

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