Soluble Fiber Foods You Should Be In The Kitchen For The Great Benefits

By: Evie Langford

If you are a regular person interested in nutrition, you surely know that fiber is one of the most essential and important substances for our body.

In addition to the fiber to aid digestion and excretion, the fiber also helps those who want to lose weight without going hungry.

Fiber prolongs digestion in our digestive system to feel full for longer, and the amount of sugar poured into the blood slowly does not cause a mutation.

However, fiber is divided into insoluble fiber and soluble fiber; our body's body will excrete the insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber will help maximize digestion eating and help make sure the content of vitamins and minerals for the body.

Soluble Fiber Foods You Should Be In The Kitchen For The Great Benefits
Soluble Fiber Foods You Should Be In The Kitchen For The Great Benefits

This article invites you to refer to several foods high in soluble fiber that you can immediately prepare yourself in the kitchen to be ready to eat any day of the week.

Fiber is a carbohydrate found in plants. Although it is essential for health, most people do not reach the daily recommended level of 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men.

To add more fiber to your daily diet, Bellyfatzone introduces you to the top 20 soluble fiber-rich foods in this article!

Soluble fiber helps to absorb more water into your intestines, softens stools, and aids in better bowel contractions. Not only does it help you feel full and reduces constipation, but it can also lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

1. Black Beans

Black beans are not only an excellent source of fiber; one cup of black beans (equivalent to 172 grams) contains 15 grams of fiber, equivalent to the level that the average person consumes per day while satisfying 40-60—% of fiber requirements for adults.

Black beans contain pectin, a form of water-soluble, colloidal fiber, which can make you feel full for longer, giving your body more time to absorb nutrients.

Black beans are also rich in protein and iron, are low in calories, and have almost no fat.

Soluble fiber content: 5.4 grams in 129 grams of cooked black beans.

2. Beans Lima

Lima beans, also known as avocado beans, are large, flat, greenish-white in color.

They mainly contain carbohydrates and proteins, as well as some fat. Lima beans have a lower fiber content than black beans, but their soluble fiber content is almost identical.

Lima beans also contain pectin – a soluble fiber associated with a reduction in blood sugar after a meal.

According to HuffPost (USA), Lima beans are toxic when alive because it contains linamarin and toxic cyanide, according to HuffPost (USA). Soak and cook Lima beans thoroughly for at least 10 minutes to ensure safety.

Soluble fiber content: 5.3 grams in 128 grams of Lima beans.

3. Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts

The world can be divided into 2 poles: Brussels sprouts lovers and haters, but whichever side you are on, it's undeniable that this vegetable contains many vitamins and minerals, along with substances. Various anti-cancer.

What's more, Brussels sprouts are an excellent fiber source, containing 4 grams of fiber per cup (156 grams). The soluble fiber in Brussels sprouts can be used to feed beneficial gut bacteria.

They make vitamin K and B vitamins, along with short-chain fatty acids that support the lining of your gut. 100 grams of Brussels sprouts provide about 194 micrograms of vitamin K, meeting about 242% of the daily requirement.

Soluble fiber content: 2 grams in 78 grams of Brussels sprouts.

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4. Avocado

Avocado originated in Mexico but has become popular all over the world. Haas butter is the most common. They are an excellent source of monounsaturated fat, potassium, vitamin E, and fiber.

An average avocado contains 13.5 grams of fiber. However, one serving – or one-third of the fruit – provides about 4.5 grams, with 1.4 grams of soluble fiber. Rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, avocados are a really prominent name for high-fiber foods.

Compared to other popular fiber sources, they contain lower amounts of the anti-toxin phytate and oxalate, which are toxins that can impair mineral absorption.

Soluble fiber content: Average 2.1 grams per half avocado.

5. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain potassium, beta carotene, vitamin B, and fiber. Just one medium-sized pack of sweet potatoes accounts for over 400% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A.

What's more, potatoes contain an average of about 4 grams of fiber, almost half of which is soluble fiber. Hence, sweet potatoes can significantly contribute to the total amount of soluble fiber in your diet.

Soluble fiber can play an important role in helping you manage your body weight. The more you eat, the greater the release of hormones in your gut, helping you reduce your appetite.

Soluble fiber content: 1.8 grams in 150 grams of cooked sweet potato.

Read more: Is eating sweet potatoes lose weight?

6. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that grows well during the cool season. It is usually dark green in color, but you can also find purple varieties.

Cauliflower is high in vitamin K, which plays an important role in the body's blood clotting process and is good folate, potassium, and vitamin C source. It also has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.

Cauliflower is a good source of dietary fiber, with 2.6 grams of fiber per 3.5 ounces (100 grams), more than half of which is in the form of soluble fiber.

The soluble fiber in cauliflower is food for beneficial bacteria in the large intestine. These bacteria, in turn, provide the body with beneficial short-chain fatty acids.

Soluble fiber content: 1.5 grams contained in 92 grams of cooked broccoli.

7. Turnip


The turnip is a tuber plant. They are grown in temperate climates around the world. The smaller bulbs are often used for human food, while the larger tubers are used for animal feed.

The most abundant nutrient in radish is potassium, followed by calcium and vitamins C and K. They are also great for increasing the amount of fiber in your diet.

Soluble fiber content: 1.7 grams in 82 grams of cooked turnip radish.

8. Pears

Pears are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and various antioxidants. What's more, it's an excellent fiber source, with 5.5 grams in a medium-sized fruit. Soluble fiber contributes 29% of the total fiber content of pears; the main form is pectin.

Due to the high content of fructose and sorbitol, pears can have a laxative effect. If you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you should be in control of your diet.

Soluble Fiber: 1.5 grams in a medium-sized pear.

9. Western Beans

The name kidney beans name is due to their characteristic shape and color, similar to the kidneys. These include red kidney beans, red spot kidney beans, light spot kidney beans, white kidney beans.

Kidney beans are an excellent dietary choice as they contain fiber, complex carbohydrates, and protein. They are also almost fat-free and also contain trace amounts of calcium and iron.

Kidney beans are a good source of soluble fiber, especially pectin. However, some people find beans difficult to digest. If this is the case, start increasing your bean intake slowly to avoid bloating.

Soluble fiber content: 3 grams in every three-quarter of a cup (133 grams) of cooked kidney beans.

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10. Figs


The fig was one of the earliest crops in human history. Is it a nutritious fruit containing calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B, and other nutrients?

Both dried and fresh figs are great sources of soluble fiber, slowing the movement of food through your intestines, allowing more time to absorb nutrients.

Dried figs have been used as a home remedy for constipation relief for many years based on anecdotal evidence.

Soluble fiber content: 1.9 grams in 37 grams of dried figs.

11. Nectarine

Nectarine is a type of nut grown in temperate regions. They are shaped similar to peaches, but their crust is slippery and hairless.

They are a good source of vitamin B, potassium, and vitamin E. Furthermore, they contain a variety of substances with antioxidant properties. A medium-sized nectarine has 2.4 grams of fiber, more than half of which is soluble fiber.

Soluble Fiber: 1.4 grams per medium nectarine.

12. Apricots


Apricots are small, sweet fruits ranging in color from yellow to orange, sometimes red in color.

They are low in calories and are a good source of vitamins A, and C. Three apricots provide about 2.1 grams of fiber, most of which is the form of soluble fiber.

In Asia, apricots have been used in folk medicine for many years and are believed to protect people from heart disease. Apricots can also aid digestion.

One study found that rats who ate the fiber from apricots had a higher stool weight than those who received only insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber content: 1.4 grams in about 3 apricots.

13. Carrots

Carrots are one of the most popular and arguably the most delicious root vegetables on Earth. Boiled or steamed, carrots are an important ingredient in many recipes, but they can also be ground into salads or used to make desserts like carrot cakes.

Carrots are rich in beta carotene, which is then converted to vitamin A. Vitamin A is an important factor to help you have bright and healthy eyes. One cup (128 grams) of chopped carrots contains 4.6 grams of fiber and 2.4 grams of soluble fiber.

Popular and widely used every day, carrots can be the main source of soluble fiber in your diet.

Soluble fiber content: 2.4 grams in 128 grams of cooked carrots.

14. Apples


Apples are among the most eaten fruits in the world. Most varieties are quite sweet, but others like Granny Smith can be very sour.

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” This is an ancient proverb but has practical meaning, as eating this fruit may lower your risk of many chronic diseases.

Apples are rich in various vitamins and minerals and are a good pectin source, a soluble fiber. The pectin in apples has many health benefits, such as a reduced risk of heart disease and improved gut function.

Soluble Fiber: 1 gram found in every medium-sized apple.

Read more: Does apple cider vinegar help lose belly fat?

15. Guava


Guava is a tropical fruit. Their bark is usually green, the flesh of the fruit can range from pale white to dark pink.

Guava contains about 3 grams of fiber and about 30% of which is the form of soluble fiber. This fruit has been shown to lower blood sugar and total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in healthy people.

Soluble fiber content: about 1.1 grams in each guava.

16. Flaxseed


The small, brown, or yellow flaxseeds are a popular staple in a healthy Western diet. Flaxseeds are emerging as a superfood as more and more researchers point to its many health benefits.

Flaxseeds carry an array of nutrients. Just one tablespoon provides a decent amount of protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, plus a rich source of several vitamins and minerals.

Flaxseeds can be a great way to improve your smoothies, bread, or cereals' nutritional content.

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Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed on your porridge can add 3.5 grams of fiber and 2 grams of protein to your breakfast. If possible, soak flax seeds overnight, as this allows their soluble fiber to combine with water to form a gel form, which can aid digestion.

Soluble fiber content: 0.6 – 1.2 grams contained in each tablespoon (14 grams) of raw flaxseed.

Read more: Flax seeds benefits for weight loss

17. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are a great nutritious snack and are often bought in peeled and pre-packaged form.

They contain about 3 grams of fiber in about a quarter cup (35 grams), with 1 gram of soluble fiber. Furthermore, they are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, protein, magnesium, selenium, and iron.

Soluble Fiber Content: 1 gram is found in every quarter cup (35 grams) of sunflower seeds.

18. Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are a delicious nut that can be eaten raw or roasted for a richer flavor. They are also commonly used as an ingredient in chocolate bars and products like Nutella and Frangelico wine.

A quarter cup of hazelnuts contains about 3.3 grams of fiber, a third of which is soluble fiber. Besides, they are rich in unsaturated fats, vitamin E, thiamine, and iron.

Partially due to their soluble fiber content, hazelnuts may help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering LDL (the bad cholesterol) cholesterol.

Soluble fiber content: 1.1 grams in a quarter cup (34 grams) of hazelnuts.

19. Oats


Oats are one of the most versatile and healthy grains. You can use them to make breakfast cereals, bread, baked goods, or fruit chips.

Oats contain beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol and improves blood sugar. It has been estimated that 3 grams of beta-glucan in oats per day may reduce your risk of heart disease.

About 100 grams of dry oats contain 10 grams of total fiber, including 5.8 grams of insoluble fiber and 4.2 grams of soluble fiber, with 3.6 grams of beta-glucan.

Soluble fiber content: 1.9 grams in about 233 grams of cooked oats.

Read more: How to prepare oats for weight loss?

20. Barley

Some might associate barley with the brewing industry, but this nutritious ancient grain is commonly used to make soups, stews, or risottos.

Like oats, it contains about 3.5% – 5.9% of the soluble fiber beta-glucan, which has been shown to reduce heart disease risk. Other forms of the soluble fiber in barley are psyllium, pectin, and guar gum.

Soluble fiber content: 0.8 grams per half-cup (79 grams) of cooked barley.

Soluble fiber is great for your gut and the health of your whole body, reducing your risk of heart disease and regulating blood sugar.

If you want to increase the amount of soluble fiber in your diet, you should add it regularly and slowly, and gradually. Besides, it would help if you drink plenty of water. This will help the soluble fiber transform into a gel, aid digestion, and curb constipation.

Read more: Fiber-Rich Foods List Help You Have a Balanced Meal and Good Digestion.

Get Heart Healthy with Soluble Fiber

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Evie Langford
Evie Langford is a passionate writer with a deep love for sports and bodybuilding. She has spent years honing her knowledge and expertise in the field of fitness, with a particular focus on training for women. Evie is a dedicated athlete who understands the importance of hard work and discipline. She has competed in several bodybuilding competitions and has achieved remarkable success. Her firsthand experience has given her unique insight into the world of fitness and has allowed her to develop a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to achieve peak physical condition. Aside from her athletic pursuits, Evie also has a great passion for writing. She has a talent for creating engaging and informative content related to health and fitness. Her articles are not only informative but also entertaining, making them accessible to a broad audience.
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