How Does Endomorph Lose Belly Fat? Effectively?

By: BellyFatZoneTeam

Of the three types of fat people, fat people are the most difficult to lose weight and lose belly fat, simply because the belly fat contains a large amount of excess fat and to reduce this amount of fat requires a long time.

This is also a psychological barrier to fear because diet and exercise take a long time.

It's like you see a mountain that's too big, and it's because its size makes you afraid to climb.

However, if you are an endomorph, do not worry because you only absorb nutrients better than others. If you know how to change diet and exercise properly, you will shorten time to achieve a balanced and good-looking body state.

How does endomorph lose belly fat? Effectively?
How does an endomorph lose belly fat? Effectively?

People with endomorph organs (fat, large) often have a slow metabolism, making it difficult for them to lose weight and gain weight.

Besides, this inadvertently prevents muscle growth. However, just following a scientific diet and a hard exercise plan can help people with fat bodies achieve health and fitness goals.

Let's find out how to lose weight for Endomorph human organs with BellyFatZone!

People with endo organs often have round and soft bodies, with wide waists, bones, joints, and large hips, regardless of their height.

This article will focus on solving each food, menu, and exercise problem that helps you lose weight and build muscle extremely effectively.

What are endomorph human organs?

Endomorph is a person who is round, heavy, and often tends to get fat easily. If during the bulking phase, people with endomorph organs often gain a lot of fat, besides muscle gain.

However, these people in the cutting phase have a lot of difficulties in reducing fat.

People with endo organs often have to spend a lot of time planning meticulous exercise and eating to reduce excess fat and increase muscle mass quickly.

Read more: 16 Ways to Lose Weight For a Lazy Person.

How to lose weight for Endomorph: A scientific diet

People with endo organs often have properties that make it difficult for them to eat, increase lean muscle mass, and exercise.

The world's leading experts have shared with BellyFatZone the diet and exercise for endomorph, which can combine and completely combat the unique properties, helping people with endo bodies lose weight and maintain extremely healthy body weight.

In the 1940s, psychologist William Sheldon described three main human organs, or several models: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.

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People with endo organs often metabolize more slowly and easily convert excess calories into fat.

Therefore, people with endo organs may need to control what they eat, when to eat, and how much to eat more carefully.

According to Sheldon, people with endo organs have characteristics that make diet and exercise more challenging.

For example, they often prefer eating, comfort and relaxation. Besides, these people often have adult organs and easily gain weight. Because of this, they tend to be lazy and not practice at all.

People with endo organs often find it very difficult to gain muscle, as body fat can promote estrogen hormones.

Increased estrogen levels often tend to reduce the number of hormones that stimulate muscle growth, such as testosterone.

What should endomorph humans eat and what not to eat?

What should endomorph humans eat and what not to eat?

Normally, people with endo organs receive many benefits from a healthy fat-balanced diet, protein, and good carbs content from vegetables, fruits, and high-fiber, non-crystalline foods. Preparations.

Some foods rich in protein or monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats include:

  • Low-fat dairy products, such as low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese
  • Poultry meat, such as chicken and duck meat
  • Most types of fish, especially fatty fish
  • Most healthy cooking oils, especially olive oil, canola, and avocado oil
  • Yolk and egg white
  • Most dried seeds, such as almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts

Some types of carbs that work best with the endomorph diet are:

  • Dried beans, such as kidney beans, chickpeas, and lentils
  • Fruits except for melons and pineapple
  • Starchy vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and celery
  • Products made entirely from wheat or cereals, such as barley bread, etc.
  • Starchy vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, yams, corn, and carrots
  • Vegetables that contain unrefined starch, such as quinoa and amaranth seeds

According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), people with endo organs are more sensitive to carbs and insulin. Insulin is a hormone that allows blood sugar to enter cells in the body easily.

Therefore, people who follow an endomorph diet will often limit or avoid carbs-rich foods, especially refined carbs, such as flour and sugar.

Carbs-rich foods release sugar faster into the bloodstream, causing rapid increases and decreases in blood sugar.

The body will quickly convert this sugar into stored fat instead of burning them into energy for the body to function.

Endo human organs tend to convert excess calories from food into fat. For this reason, people who follow the endo diet need to avoid high-calorie, low-calorie foods.

need to avoid high-calorie

Some foods to avoid and restrict the human organ's diet include:

  • White bread, white rice, pasta, and bagels
  • Candy, chocolate, and other sweets
  • Pies
  • Soft drinks, energy drinks, energy drinks, and sports
  • Instant cereals, refined
  • Processed or fried foods
  • Types of dairy products, such as ice cream
  • Red meats
  • Foods rich in sodium
  • Alcoholic drink
  • Cooking oils are high in saturated fat, such as coconut oil or palm oil.
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Read more: How Does Endomorph Lose Belly Fat? Effectively?

How to practice slimming for human organs endomorphs

How to practice slimming for human organs endomorphs

Exercise is an essential part of any weight loss plan, especially for people with endomorph organs.

Exercise helps speed up metabolism and reduce excess fat effectively. Cardio exercises, such as jogging, can burn many calories and help create a calorie deficit.

This means you are using more calories than you eat and speed up the burning of excess fat.

The ACE Association recommends that endo organ users follow a weight-training routine that will focus on weight training to stimulate muscles and work with cardio to increase their ability to burn fat.

In particular, the most recommended in cardio is HIIT. You can immediately click on the article HIIT exercises to burn fat to lose weight to understand it better!

Build muscle

Weight training is the most important part of endomorph weight loss or any weight loss plan.

These people often have low rates of lean muscle, although they have a broad, large skeleton (often carrying a lot of large, strong lean muscle mass).

They tend to store more body fat, causing the body to release estrogen, reduce testosterone levels, and limit muscle growth.

However, healthy muscles will help speed up metabolism. Because unlike fat cells, muscle tissue burns more calories, even while at rest.

Besides, it promotes the body to use fat to generate energy.

Gym schedule for human organs endomorph template

Here is a sample bodybuilding exercise designed to help you build lean muscle mass and reduce fat. This also combines the extreme with the article that teaches how to increase muscle fat at the same time.

  • Practice 5-6 rounds / exercise, with 12-20 repetitions.
  • Selecting the weight level that can make you exercise up to 8-12 times is a failure.
  • Rest for 20-60 seconds, depending on the intensity of exercise and your strength.
  • Take 1-2 days for cardio training with HIIT exercises (2 minutes slow running, 1 minute fast running).

1. Sample exercise schedule # 1

Day 1: Pectoral muscle / posterior arm muscle

  • Flat Barbell Bench Press
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
  • Dumbbell Flyes
  • Cable Crossovers
  • Pushups
  • Tricep Dips
  • Lying Tricep Press

Day 2: Lumbar / Forearm muscles

  • Pull-Ups
  • Barbell Deadlifts
  • Barbell Bent Over Rows
  • Wide-Grip Lat Pull Downs
  • Seated Rows
  • EZ Bar Biceps Curls (wide/close grips)
  • Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Day 3: Cardio

  • Row Machine
  • Swim
  • Step Mill

Day 4: Shoulder muscles / Calf muscles / Abdominal muscles

  • Standing Shoulder Military Press
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raises
  • Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raises
  • Calf Raises on Leg Press
  • Leg Raises
  • Russian Twists
  • Planks

Day 5: Muscles of the legs

  • Squat
  • Leg Extensions
  • Hamstring Curls
  • Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
  • Single-Leg Presses
  • Step Ups with Barbell
  • Glute Bridges

Day 6: Cardio

  • Treadmill Sprints
  • Cycling
  • Elliptical

Day 7: Break

2. Gym schedule # 2 (High intensity – 6 days)

  • Day 1: Pectoral muscle / posterior arm muscle
  • Day 2: Lumbar / Forearm muscles
  • Day 3: Cardio
  • Day 4: Shoulder muscles / Calf muscles / Abdominal muscles
  • Day 5: Front thigh muscle / Rear thigh muscle / Buttock muscle
  • Day 6: Cardio
  • Day 7: Break
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3. Gym schedule # 3 (Medium intensity – 5 days)

  • Day 1: Chest muscles
  • Day 2: Back muscles / Shoulder muscles
  • Day 3: Cardio
  • Day 4: Break
  • Day 5: Muscles of the arms/hands
  • Day 6: Muscles of the legs
  • Day 7: Break

4. Gym schedule # 4 (Light intensity – 4 days)

  • Day 1: Chest muscles / Back muscles
  • Day 2: Break
  • Day 3: Muscles of the hands / Muscles of the arms/shoulders
  • Day 4: Break
  • Day 5: Muscles of the legs
  • Day 6: Cardio
  • Day 7: Break

Endomorphs need to select high-intensity compound exercises to supplement their exercise curriculum.

Exercises that use the muscles' maximum strength, such as squats, will increase the level of perfect muscle-building hormones.

Plan your workout around these basic movements, with Isolation exercises, immediately after doing Compound exercises.

Pectoral muscle

  • Bench Press (Incline, Decline, Dumbbell, Barbell)

Back muscle

  • Deadlift
  • Bent-Over Barbell Row

Calf muscles

  • Squats
  • Leg Press

Mechanical arms

  • Barbell Curl
  • Preacher Curl

Muscles of the back

  • Weighted Bench Dips
  • Skull Crushers

Shoulder muscle

  • Dumbbell Overhead Press
  • Military Press

Abdominal muscles

  • Weighted Hanging Leg Raise
  • Cable Crunch

What is the difference between Endomorph's gym schedule and others?

Endo organ training plans do not differ much from those who gain muscle easily without gaining too much fat.

No matter who they are, everyone should push themselves to their limits and perform no more than 20 rounds for each muscle group to reduce the risk of overtraining.

The only difference is the cardio supplement at the end of the training session for the endo organ; Meanwhile, meso and ecto organs do not necessarily perform cardio because their bodies do not accumulate too much fat.

How To Lose Fat FASTER as an ENDOMORPH Video

Supplements needed for Endomorph human organs

For people who have Endomorph, you will definitely need Whey Protein milk, such as Iso Zero, IsoFlex … If you have carefully read the article What is Whey, surely you also understand why it helps increase muscle. Lose fat for this organ.

So you know how to lose weight for human Endomorphs. The key is a combination of diet and scientific exercise to reduce muscle fat.

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Hello dear, if you are reading this, you are responsible for yourself, your family and want to create more value for society. Keeping a flat belly and a toned body will help you have a much better work performance, and that will, of course, help you be more successful in life; we completely understand this.

BellyFatZone would like to leave these lines here for the most basic and understandable overview of how to regain a flat belly completely, tighten your body, and fight to age. This world is created with energy and matter; you probably know Albert Einstein, but science has found nothing but those two things.

And our body is no exception. To gain weight, you need to take in more calories than you burn each day and to lose weight, you need to do the opposite. But surely you don't want to leave behind a lot of wrinkles after that weight loss process. To solve them, the best way is to practice practical exercises.

Albert Einstein

But you also find you are too busy in this competitive life without much time to pay attention to the diet and less time to exercise, from which people create supplements. The best part is that you can save meal time by adding the right ingredients and doing the right exercises effectively, keeping you healthy in the long run.

Additional ingredients that support metabolism promote excess fat conversion into energy, or inhibit fat absorption are listed below. And currently, only one FDA-approved weight loss drug is also available. Free meal plans to help burn fat are easy to find around here. We hope these few things will help you to be healthier, more successful. - Bring Your Flat Belly Back, Toned and Young Again

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Important Disclaimer: The information contained on Belly Fat Zone is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA, and any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult a healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet or taking supplements that may interfere with medications. Any data you submit to this website over an HTTPS connection will be securely encrypted with the strongest available algorithms.