How To Increase Metabolism After 30, 40, 50, 60?

By: BellyFatZoneTeam

Hi, if you are here right now looking for the article on boosting your metabolism, you probably know how important metabolism is to the body.

It can be said that the body is alive because of metabolism; our body is taking nutrition, breathing air from the outside into the body through a series of very complex processes of nutrient exchange, metabolism.

The oxygen exchange is then delivered to cells through organ systems and then reclaims substances from the cells no longer in use and is released into the environment.

It is a fundamental mechanism of giving and receiving, receiving and exchanging when we understand the basics of metabolism and enhancing this metabolic process?

This will help keep the body active, vital signs from being weak, or in other words, you can gain weight, you can lose weight, or strengthen your immune system easily.

Not only those over the age of 30, or those over 40 or over 50 or 60 years of age, these metabolic processes still work in the same way, but how they make metabolic components is reduced due to age factors.

How To Increase Metabolism After 30, 40, 50, 60?
How To Increase Metabolism After 30, 40, 50, 60?

Metabolism plays a vital role in everyone's health.

That is why today, we will learn how to boost metabolism quickly to stimulate chemical reactions inside the body to work more effectively.

If you want to have better health and have a toned body, read this article now!

Metabolism is also quickly referred to by many as Metabolism to describe the chemical reactions within the body.

You should read carefully what the article metabolism is to understand it better! These chemical reactions will keep the body alive and functioning.

However, the keyword metabolism is often used interchangeably with the phrase speed / metabolic rate or the number of calories your body burns.

The higher the metabolic rate, the more calories the body burns and the easier it is to lose weight.

What is metabolism? Metabolism – Key factor in weight loss

Metabolism is the body's metabolism, the chemical engine that helps sustain life. The metabolic rate varies from person to person.

Metabolic fast people are likely to burn more calories. In contrast, a slow metabolic person has more calories accumulated and stored as excess fat.

Perhaps you have somehow guessed why we must care about metabolism. Let's find out now what Metabolic is!

Read more: Read more: How To Losing Weight After 40 Women? Effective and Safe

What is metabolism? How to enhance metabolism?

What is metabolism? How to enhance metabolism?

This article will help you figure out why some people have a faster metabolic rate than others and how to boost that metabolism to release more calories.

First of all, we have to understand what metabolism means a metabolism or a metabolic process inside the body.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is all chemical processes that take place in your body. The faster your metabolism occurs, the more calories your body needs.

Metabolism is also why some people can eat a lot but are not afraid of gaining weight, while others eat less, but fat is easy to accumulate.

What is the metabolic rate?

The metabolic rate is also commonly known as the metabolic rate – metabolic rate. It is the number of calories you burn over a given period of time, also known as the calories you consume.

Metabolic rates are divided into several categories:

  • Basal metabolic rate (BMR): The rate of your metabolism during sleep or complete rest. This is the minimum metabolic rate needed for the lungs to breathe still, the heart to pump blood, the brain to function, and the body to remain warm.
  • Resting metabolic rate (RMR): The minimum metabolic rate needed to keep the body alive and active in a state of rest. On average, it accounts for 50-75% of the total calories consumed.
  • Thermic effect of food (TEF): The number of calories burned when your body is digesting and metabolizing food. TEF usually accounts for about 10% of total energy costs.
  • Thermic effect of exercise (TEE): An increase in calories burned during exercise.
  • Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT): Calories needed for activities other than exercise, such as walking, moving …

Thus, an increase in metabolic rate or rate also means an increase in caloric intake.

Factors that affect metabolic rate

Each of us has a different metabolic rate from birth. In other words, some people are born with metabolism better than others. Besides, it is also affected by reasons such as:

  • Age: The older you get, the slower metabolism will take place. This is the reason people tend to gain weight as they age.
  • Muscle mass: The greater the muscle mass, the more calories you will burn.
  • Body size: The bigger you are, the more calories you will burn.
  • Ambient temperature: When the body is exposed to cold, it needs to burn more calories to prevent body temperature from falling.
  • Physical Activity: All body activity requires calories. The more you are active, the metabolism will increase.
  • Hormonal Disorders: Cushing's syndrome and hypothyroidism will slow down the metabolic rate and increase the risk of fat gain.
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What is a “hunger regime”?

Starvation mode, also known as starvation mode or adaptive thermogenesis, also plays an important role in the development of obesity.

What is "hunger regime"?

Hunger is the body's response to a lack of calories.

When the body is not getting enough food, it will compensate by reducing its metabolic rate and calories burned. How much or less this reduction depends on each person.

The slowdown of the metabolism will be more pronounced in some people, especially obese people. The slower the metabolism, the more difficult it is to lose weight by dieting or fasting.

The cause of the starvation is partly genetic, or it may also be due to the weight loss diet you have done in the past.

View more: What to Eat for Breakfast When Trying to Lose Weight?

How to speed up metabolism?

If you are trying to lose weight, just eating fewer calories is not enough. An effective weight loss plan should also target enhanced metabolism. Here are 8 simple ways to help you increase your metabolic rate.

1. Mobility

All body movements require calories. The more active you are, the faster your metabolism will occur.

Even very casual activities like getting up, walking around, or doing housework. Do them as a habit, and in the long run, you will see the effect differently.

This increase in metabolism is called the proliferation of other non-exercise activities (NEAT).

In severely obese people, NEAT can make up a significant portion of daily calorie costs, as they carry a large amount of bodyweight while active.

There are many ways you can increase NEAT:

  • Get up and walk often.
  • Take the stairs whenever possible.
  • Stuck your feet or tap your fingers.
  • Chew calorie-free gum.
  • Use a standing desk to work instead of a regular sitting table. This will give you 16% more calories burned. One study says that standing up for an afternoon burns more than sitting 174 calories.
  • Even seemingly insignificant activities like typing can increase your metabolic rate by 8% compared to doing nothing.
  • Even sitting still for 20 minutes has 4% more calorie expenditure than lying still.

2. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

One of the most effective forms of weight loss exercise is high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Read what the HIIT exercise article is to learn about this exercise and refer to the exercise schedule and suggested exercises.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

HIIT amazingly increases your metabolic rate, even after you've finished your workout. It's an effect called “the afterburn,” which helps those who need to release large amounts of calories and fat.

3. Do strength exercises

Why do strength exercises have positive effects on metabolism? Strength exercises like the gym (weight training) work to promote the growth of muscle mass.

Your muscle mass is directly related to your metabolic rate. It significantly increases the number of calories you release at rest (RMR).

One study found that doing 11-minute strength training three times a week increased RMR by an average of 7.4% after half a year and burned 125 more calories per day.

Old age often experiences muscle loss, leading to impaired metabolism. But regular exercise can reduce this risk.

Additionally, calorie-cutting diets often lead to loss of muscle mass and metabolism. Exercise can help prevent this decline.

One study in overweight women found that daily strength exercise and an 800-calorie diet prevented the loss of muscle mass and metabolism, compared with those who did not exercise or only—aerobics practice.

4. Protein supplement

Eating enough protein is essential if you want to build or maintain muscle mass. To understand why to read more about what protein is and what role it plays in muscles.

Besides, a high-protein diet has many other benefits as well.

All foods that lead to an increase in metabolic rate are known as food's thermic effect (TEF). This effect is stronger when you eat protein than when you eat carbs or fat.

In fact, protein can increase the metabolic rate by 20-30%, while carbs and fat can only increase 3-10% or less. This increase in calorie intake can trigger weight loss or prevent weight gain again.

the thermic effect of food

TEF is highest in the morning or during the first few hours after you wake up. Therefore, eating a large percentage of your daily calories at this time can maximize effectiveness.

Do you understand why nutritionists advise against skipping breakfast?

Protein can be obtained through high-quality or natural foods rather than Whey Protein Milk.

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If you are a gymnast, you should definitely learn what Whey Protein is because it is an important source of nutrients if you want to have toned muscles.

5. Don't starve

Even if you want to lose weight, of course, you have to eat less. But eating too little or fasting can backfire.

Excessive calorie deficiency reduces the rate of metabolism, known as the “starvation mode,” as we discussed earlier.

Research shows that consistently eating less than 1,000 calories lowers your metabolic rate significantly, even after you stop dieting.

If you are still thinking that this will help you get sick quickly, read the article about the harmful effects of fasting to change your mind and find a more scientific, reasonable method.

6. Drink plenty of water

Increased metabolism is not a complicated matter; sometimes, it is as small as drinking a glass of water.

Many studies have shown drinking water effectively increases the number of calories released, an effect known as water-induced thermogenesis.

Drinking cold water is more effective than warm water, as the body has to warm it up to match its body temperature.

However, cold water causes many harms to the stomach and digestive system, so it's best not to overdo it.

Drinking water before meals also makes you feel fuller, eats less, and reduces calorie intake, which is great for dieters.

7. Drink caffeinated beverages

Caffeinated, low-calorie beverages such as coffee or green tea will also work in this regard.

Studies conclude that caffeinated drinks can increase the metabolic rate by 3-11%.

However, this effect is reduced in obese and older adults. Besides, those who have been drinking coffee for a long time may be able to resist this effect, understood as being “greasy.”

Besides, these fat reduction drinks can also be substituted if you cannot use coffee.

8. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep is harmful to general health and negatively affects metabolism, and increases the risk of obesity.

One study found that healthy adults who slept only 4 hours per night for 5 consecutive days had a 2.6% decrease in metabolism.

In addition to getting enough hours of sleep, you also need to pay extra attention to your sleep quality.

Another study has shown that prolonged sleep disruption and time irregular sleep reduce RMR by 8%.

Low Metabolism

This is a state that occurs in most sedentary people, obese people who want to lose weight by fasting or eating less kcal for a long time.

Many scientific researchers have proven that Low Metabolism will make the body tired, weak, lead to less energy to exercise, cause muscle loss and excess fat accumulation if held for too long.

If you eat too few calories per day or fast for long periods of time, this can make this condition worse.

Although your body can lose weight at this time due to the amount of stored energy to burn for the organs, at the same time, the stomach secretes too much gastric juice, causing gastritis to be very harmful.

On the contrary, keep your metabolism going, you will definitely lose weight!

So, you know what metabolism is and the role it plays, especially in weight loss. You can control and increase metabolism in a variety of ways, as outlined above.

But of course, weight loss is dependent on metabolism and a result of many other factors.

Synthesis of extremely effective metabolic boosters

If your body's metabolism is at a high intensity, you will find yourself full of energy. Come on, keep reading!

1. Eat plenty of protein with every meal

Eat plenty of protein with every meal

Adding protein-rich foods can boost your metabolism for a few hours. This is the heat effect of the food.

This effect is due to the excess calorie content to digest, absorb and process nutrients in each meal.

Protein causes a huge increase in TEF. It boosts the body's metabolic rate by about 15-30%, compared with just 5-10% from carbs and 0-3% from fat.

Eat foods that contain scientifically proven protein to help fill your stomach and prevent you from overeating.

One small study demonstrated that people tend to eat 441 fewer calories per day if they eat up to 30% of the protein in their diet for that day.

Eating more protein can help increase metabolism and promote body fat burning.

2. Drink more cold water

Drink more cold water

People who drink plain water instead of sugary drinks will often lose weight more successfully and effectively. That's because sugary drinks are often high in calories.

So, replacing these drinks with water will help reduce the caloric content.

However, drinking filtered water can temporarily speed up your metabolism.

Many scientific studies have proven, drinking 0.5l of water will help increase metabolic rate while resting up to 10-30% in about 1 hour.

This calorie-burning effect can be stronger if you drink cold water, as your body will use its energy to heat it to body temperature.

Besides, water also helps fill the stomach. Many scientific studies have proven, drinking water 30 minutes before eating can help you eat less.

A scientific study of overweight adults found that those who drank 0.5 liters of water before each meal lost 44% more weight than those who did not.

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3. Practice HIIT

Practice HIIT

HIIT is a way to increase your heart rate and speed up your metabolism. It can help burn more body fat by increasing the metabolic rate, even after the workout is over.

Really, only HIIT is so effective, much better than other training methods.

Besides, the HIIT method is also proven to maximize the ability to burn body fat.

One study in overweight young men showed that 12 weeks of HIIT helped them lose 2kg of excess fat and 17% of belly fat.

4. Do heavy weight training

Do heavy weight training

Muscle is more strongly metabolized than fat, and building muscle can help boost metabolic rate. This means you will burn more calories each day, even while resting.

Weight training also helps you maintain muscle mass and combat the risk of slowing down your metabolism. Thanks to that, the weight loss process will take place more smoothly.

In one study, 48 women with excess were asked to eat a diet of 800kcal / day, without doing anything at all, or to do aerobics or weights.

After finishing this diet, the women who weightlift maintained their muscle mass, metabolism, and strength.

Others not only lost weight but also lost muscle mass and decreased metabolism. You can refer to this article about the gym lesson to lose weight in 7 days!

5. Get up, walk more

Get up, walk more

Sitting too much will harm your health. Some people call this “a new type of smoking.” This is because sitting for too long causes you to burn fewer calories and gain weight faster.

Indeed, compared to sitting, just standing to work in the afternoon will burn 174 more calories. If you usually sit in the office, try standing up regularly to exercise instead of sitting all day.

6. Drink green tea or Oolong tea

Drink green tea or Oolong tea

Green tea and oolong tea are scientifically proven to increase metabolism by about 4-5%.

These teas help convert some of the excess fat stored in the body into free fatty acids. This increases fat burning by about 10-17%.

Since they are typically low in calories, drinking these teas can be good for weight loss and weight maintenance.

The metabolic-boosting ingredients of these teas can help prevent weight loss from going up and down.

However, some studies have found these teas do not affect metabolic rate. Therefore, the effect they bring is usually quite small and only applies to a few people.

7. Eat spicy foods

Pepper contains capsaicin, an active ingredient that enhances metabolism. However, many people cannot tolerate these spices at the amount needed to produce the desired effect.

A study on the compound capsaicin, in the permissible amount, has proven, eating pepper will help burn about 10kcal more in each meal.

The effects of these pungent spices, when added to foods, are often quite low. However, this may lead to some benefit when combined with other metabolic rate-boosting schemes.

8. Get enough sleep at night

Get enough sleep at night

Lack of sleep is a major cause of obesity. This may be partly due to a side effect of lack of sleep on your metabolic rate.

Lack of sleep is also linked to high blood sugar and insulin levels. Both are associated with an increased risk of type 2 obesity.

Lack of sleep has also been shown to increase hunger-causing hormones, ghrelin, and decrease the satiety hormone leptin.

This may explain why many sleep-deprived people feel hungry and try to lose weight.

9. Drink coffee

Drink coffee

Scientific studies have shown that caffeine compounds in coffee can boost metabolism by 3-11%.

Like green tea, it can promote fat burning. However, this usually affects people with more lean muscle mass.

In one study, drinking coffee increased fat burning by about 29% for women with a toned body, but only 10% for obese women.

Coffee's effect on metabolism and fat burning can contribute to a successful weight loss and maintenance process!

10. Replace regular cooking fats with coconut oil

Replace regular cooking fats with coconut oil

Unlike other types of saturated fat, coconut oil is usually fairly high in medium-chain fat.

These fats can increase the metabolic rate more than the long-chain fats found in foods like butter.

Researchers found that in a scientific study, medium-chain fats increased metabolic rate by about 12%, compared with long-chain fats, by only about 4%.

How To Boost Your Metabolism And Burn More Fat Video:

YouTube video

Make some small lifestyle changes and combine them with some eating and exercise tips, and you have a perfect metabolic booster in hand!

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Hello dear, if you are reading this, you are responsible for yourself, your family and want to create more value for society. Keeping a flat belly and a toned body will help you have a much better work performance, and that will, of course, help you be more successful in life; we completely understand this.

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And our body is no exception. To gain weight, you need to take in more calories than you burn each day and to lose weight, you need to do the opposite. But surely you don't want to leave behind a lot of wrinkles after that weight loss process. To solve them, the best way is to practice practical exercises.

Albert Einstein

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