Effects Of Sweet Potatoes – Should We Eat A Lot Of Sweet Potatoes?

By: Mary Brunker

Sweet potatoes are also a starchy food like rice, so using regular sweet potatoes is good for you? Does it raise the glycemic index or not?

If sweet potatoes have such a lot of starch when you are on a weight loss regime, should you use sweet potatoes or not?

Sweet potatoes are one of the types of tubers “eaten not only for fullness but also to take care of your health.” With these great uses, sweet potatoes are always considered in nutritious meals.

Effects Of Sweet Potatoes - Should We Eat A Lot Of Sweet Potatoes?
Effects Of Sweet Potatoes – Should We Eat A Lot Of Sweet Potatoes?

In this article, we will learn about the benefits of sweet potatoes on our overall health, and we will learn how to use them accordingly.

Specifically, what are the effects of sweet potatoes? Let's find out with Bellyfatzone!

1. The effect of sweet potato is perfect for diabetics

Some people think that people with diabetes should stay away from sweet foods like sweet potatoes. However, this is a completely wrong concept.

This sweetness comes from natural sugars and not only does not raise blood sugar but also helps control them. The amount of beta carotene in sweet potatoes is the factor responsible for the management of insulin function.

Sweet potatoes are classified from low to high on the glycemic index scale.

And some studies have shown that it can minimize the occurrence of insulin resistance and low blood sugar and high blood sugar in people with diabetes.

The relatively low glycemic index means sweet potatoes slowly release sugar into the bloodstream, unlike other starchy foods.

This steady release of sugar aids in controlling the individual's blood sugar so that it doesn't get low or high.

low glycemic index means sweet potatoes slowly release sugar into the bloodstream

Hence, sweet potatoes can be used in blood sugar regulation, especially in people with diabetes. This procedure is used in both types of diabetes, i.e., type I and type II.

Studies of sweet potato varieties have revealed that Beauregard is the most effective sweet potato variant for blood sugar regulation.

Additionally, it has been shown to have a similar protein model to Caiapo – an extract of white sweet potato. Quiapo has been reported to improve glucose and cholesterol levels in people with type II diabetes. Hence used as the dietary manager of this disease.

The fiber in sweet potatoes has also been hypothesized to be beneficial for diabetes control.

Sweet potatoes are a high-fiber food that has been shown to lower people's blood sugar levels with type I diabetes. 10-15% of the fiber in sweet potatoes includes soluble fibers like pectin, effective in reducing food consumption, and spikes in blood sugar.

About 77% of the fiber in sweet potatoes is insoluble and plays a role in the fight against diabetes. Insoluble fiber is essential in promoting insulin sensitivity, which then helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Furthermore, sweet potatoes are an important magnesium source, which has also been shown to reduce the individual's risk of type II diabetes.

Bottom Line: Sweet potatoes contain essential fiber and magnesium that are important in preventing and controlling diabetes. Sweet potatoes also have a moderately low glycemic index, which also aids in regulating blood glucose levels.

2. Sweet potatoes can help protect, prevent, and manage cancer

Looking at the colors, sweet potatoes are extremely rich in vitamin C, protein, and beta carotene. Therefore, they are also considered to help reduce cancer risk; the most prominent are breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.

Studies have also shown that sweet potatoes with purple flesh are particularly effective in fighting cancer.

Studies have also shown that sweet potatoes with purple flesh are particularly effective in fighting cancer.

This variation of sweet potato has factors that are capable of inhibiting the growth of specific cancers, including breast cancer, stomach cancer, and colon cancer, by inducing cell death of these cancers. This cancer cell.

This tuber's high anthocyanin content is believed to be the reason behind sweet potato's anti-cancer activity when it comes to stomach and breast cancers.

Other studies have concluded that extracts from different parts of sweet potatoes can also cause cell death in prostate cancer cells, ensuring that cancer does not develop and spread to other parts—another of the prostate gland.

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The scientists concluded that sweet potatoes' anti-cancer activity regarding prostate cancer control is due to their high polyphenol content.

The presence of carotene, such as beta-carotene in sweet potatoes, has also been reported to significantly reduce the risk of men who have prostate cancer.

Beta-carotene has also been effective in preventing and reducing the individual's risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Bottom Line: Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, a type of carotene, which is essential in protecting men from prostate cancer.

Additionally, extracts from various parts of sweet potatoes have been shown to increase the mortality rate of breast, stomach, colorectal, and prostate cancers and limit growth and spread—the spread of these cancers.

3. Strengthen the immune system

Strengthen the immune system

One of the effects of sweet potatoes that we cannot ignore is to strengthen the immune system. In this root, many ingredients help improve health and prevent the risk of disease.

Vitamin C

This antioxidant has many amazing benefits. They help fight the onslaught of influenza viruses while helping in rapid wound healing and slowing down the aging process. Also, vitamin C is good for bones, teeth, digestive system s, and red blood cell production.


This group of substances has just been discovered by scientists in the composition of sweet potatoes. They are the “weapon” to help the body fight the properties of fungi and bacteria.

Vitamin D

Another vitamin that also appears in this food to help strengthen the immune system is vitamin D. Overall health will be improved, from bones, teeth, thyroid, skin, nervous system to the cardiovascular system.

Micronutrient iron and vitamin B complex

These are two factors that make sweet potato's benefits in preventing immune system disturbances, colds, and flu.

Besides, iron also helps reduce stress, improves the production of red blood cells, white blood cells, protein metabolism, and provides essential energy sources for the body.

4. Improve heart health

Oxidation in the body leads to atherosclerosis complications, which in turn can lead to the development of certain cardiovascular diseases.

Improve heart health

Leaf extracts from sweet potatoes were tested, and scientists found that the high polyphenol content in leaf extract has the ability to inhibit oxidation in humans, reducing the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease.

Scientists believe that its leaves have significant antioxidant properties because of the relatively high level of radical root reduction activity, as well as a large number of polyphenol compounds.

Root-reduction activity and high polyphenol content contribute to jasmine leaves' antioxidant properties and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Other scientific studies have shown that the high anthocyanin content in purple sweet potatoes contributes to the tuber's ability to reduce coronary artery disease risk. Additionally, sweet potatoes contain soluble fiber, closely linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

Besides, the abundant vitamin B6 in sweet potatoes can inhibit homocysteine. This substance leads to many degenerative and cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular accident, or myocardial infarction.

You will reduce the anxiety related to cardiovascular diseases if you eat sweet potatoes regularly. The reason is that this food contains potassium. This electrolyte will help you control your heart rate and signals from the nervous system.

Bottom Line: The fibers, anthocyanins, polyphenols, and radical root reduction activity found in sweet potatoes are important in the fight against cardiovascular diseases.

5. Minimize the impact of heavy metals on the body

Minimize the impact of heavy metals on the body

Heavy metal poisoning is a health problem that many people fear.

But sweet potatoes are a very effective solution that few people expect. This tuber's nutritional composition contains peonidin and cyanidin – two substances that can minimize the harmful effects of heavy metals on our bodies.

6. Sweet potatoes can help control stress levels

Sweet potatoes contain a significant amount of magnesium – a substance essential for the body's normal functioning. One of the key benefits of magnesium is to help reduce stress and anxiety.

Studies show that a lack of magnesium in the current diet leads to a significant increase in reported cases of depression worldwide.

For example, several moderated studies have shown that magnesium deficiency causes depression in women experiencing premenstrual symptoms.

Magnesium deficiency and depression are linked because both have a cell-mediated immune response and systemic inflammation.

Studies performed on animal models have shown that an increase in magnesium intake protects the brain from post-traumatic anxiety or depression.

Studies performed on animal models have shown that an increase in magnesium intake protects the brain from post-traumatic anxiety or depression

Furthermore, animal modeling studies have shown that reducing magnesium leads to an increase in anxiety-related behaviors and depression in rats.

Additionally, magnesium has been found to reduce insomnia in the elderly. Insomnia is a cause of stress, depression, and anxiety, which is unfortunate because more than 50% of older people suffer from some form of sleep deprivation.

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Bottom Line: Sweet potatoes are an important source of magnesium, and a deficiency has been reported to be associated with a higher risk of depression, stress, and anxiety.

Hence, sweet potatoes can replenish the body's magnesium intake and alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety-related behaviors in individuals.

7. Sweet potatoes contain anti-inflammatory activity

Sweet potatoes contain a substantial amount of vitamins, most of which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Studies performed on purple sweet potatoes have conclusively concluded that plant-derived extracts have the ability to inhibit the production of inflammatory components in the body.

Furthermore, sweet potatoes have a high concentration of Choline, which is a very versatile nutrient. One of Choline's main benefits is that it reduces inflammatory responses in the body that lead to less inflammation.

Studies in animal models have shown that Choline effectively treats limited systemic infections in the body.

Other studies have shown that purple sweet potato extracts contain anthocyanin, which is essential in reducing and preventing inflammation in colon cancer cells and reducing cell proliferation. Other types of cancer cells.

Bottom Line: Anthocyanin and Choline's presence in sweet potatoes makes it an essential source of nutrients in preventing and reducing chronic inflammation in the body.

8. Sweet potatoes contain antibacterial properties

Even though studies on the antibacterial properties of sweet potatoes are limited, some scientific reports have concluded that sweet potatoes have some degree of antimicrobial activity.

Sweet potatoes contain antibacterial properties

Several studies have found that ethanol and acetone extracts from sweet potato leaves have antibacterial properties against bacteria that cause pneumonia and typhoid.

The fiber in sweet potatoes has also been shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria in food.

Other studies have found that sweet potato leaf powder and its water, ethanol, and peptone extracts have antibacterial activity against Salmonella typhi, E.coli, and Klebsiella pneumonia.

Bottom Line: Sweet potatoes and their extracts have antibacterial activity, which can be used to prevent and treat a wide range of bacterial pathogens and infections.

9. Sweet potatoes can help improve hair and skin

As mentioned above, sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A. It is also rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

Studies have shown that dietary intake or supplementation of Vitamin E has the ability to increase hair count in people suffering from hair loss significantly. Vitamin E contains antioxidant properties that help reduce stress, a major cause of hair loss.

Vitamin C has been an effective dermatological treatment that can be used in chemotherapy and hyperpigmentation. Vitamin C is also effective in neutralizing oxidative stress caused by UV exposure.

Vitamin C is also effective in neutralizing oxidative stress caused by UV exposure

Besides, the combination of Vitamins C and E can significantly reduce skin cancer risk in individuals. Vitamin C is also essential in the synthesis of collagen, which is the skin's main structural protein.

Some studies also indicate that Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties. This means that the vitamin can help manage skin conditions like acne and promote wound healing on the skin.

Vitamin A is effective in treating and managing sun-damaged skin. Studies have also shown that vitamins effectively treat skin cancer and chemotherapy, and other treatment solutions.

Vitamin A is an effective collagen stimulant, making it useful in reducing the rate of natural cell aging as well as inhibiting our skin's photochemical process.


Sweet potatoes contain high levels of Vitamins A, C, and E, all of which help promote skin and hair health. These vitamins are very helpful in restoring damaged skin caused by exposure to UV rays.

Vitamins also slow down cell aging in the skin, helping you stay youthful for longer. Also, vitamin E is especially helpful in preventing and treating hair loss and maintaining good hair health.

10. Sweet potatoes are good for digestion

Sweet potatoes contain a large amount of fiber, which has long been known to improve gut health and digestion.

Many of the laxatives used today are made from fiber. That means consuming sweet potatoes can increase your amount of fiber needed to promote proper digestion. The high fiber content of sweet potatoes may also aid in preventing constipation in both children and adults.

Bottom Line: Sweet potatoes contain remarkably high amounts of fiber, which is essential in promoting a healthy digestive tract and preventing constipation.

11. Sweet potatoes can help regulate blood pressure

Sweet potatoes can help control blood pressure as they are rich in both magnesium and potassium.

Studies have shown that a higher amount of potassium leads to a decrease in blood pressure. It then significantly reduces the chance of having a stroke or having a coronary problem.

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Sweet potatoes can help regulate blood pressure

Magnesium is also considered an effective dietary ingredient in preventing hypertension and reducing it in both pregnant and non-pregnant patients.

Additionally, other studies have found that a lack of magnesium in the body increases risk factors for hypertension development.

Bottom Line: Sweet potatoes contain significant amounts of magnesium and potassium, both of which are essential in the fight against high blood pressure. They also help regulate blood pressure, reducing the individual's likelihood of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

12. Sweet potatoes can enhance fertility

The high dose of vitamin A in sweet potatoes makes this vegetable ideal for childbearing age women to help boost fertility.

Animal modeling studies have shown that Vitamin A plays an integral role in improving reproductive performance. Research has also shown that Vitamin A deficiency can lead to secondary infertility in women of childbearing age.

Sweet potatoes also contain a healthy dose of iron, an important mineral in promoting fertility in women of childbearing age.

Sweet potatoes can enhance fertility

Reports indicate that anemia, or iron deficiency, is a cause of infertility in women.

Treating iron deficiency by increasing the amount of iron in the diet often results in a woman being able to conceive a few months to a year after treatment.

Other studies have found that increasing the amount of iron in the diet reduces the risk of infertility caused by ovulation.

Bottom Line: Iron is essential in promoting female fertility. An important source of iron in the diet is sweet potatoes.

Studies have shown that increasing dietary iron intake from food sources like sweet potatoes can help reverse secondary fertility and reduce the likelihood of a woman with infertility due to ovulation.

Additionally, sweet potatoes contain high doses of vitamin A, which is essential in improving fertility performance in women of childbearing age.

13. Sweet potatoes are essential for good vision

Studies have shown that vitamins are essential in the formation of the pigments responsible for light absorption. Also, vitamin A is essential in maintaining the proper structure of the retina.

Vitamin A deficiency can lead to poor vision, and in some cases, blindness. Vitamin deficiency can also lead to night blindness.

Furthermore, other eye conditions, including corneal dryness, corneal ulcers, and conjunctival, have also been associated with vitamin A deficiency.

Sweet potatoes are also a significant source of both Vitamins C and E. A study conducted in India found a significant relationship between vitamin C deficiency and the development of cataracts.

Other studies have found that both vitamins C and E may effectively comb oxidative stress, which often leads to cataracts.

Bottom Line: Sweet potatoes contain high amounts of vitamins A, C, and E, all of which are indispensable in promoting good vision. Vitamin A deficiency leads to night blindness, complete blindness, as well as retinal defects. Vitamin C deficiency is mainly associated with the development of cataracts.

14. Sweet potatoes can help with weight management

Sweet potatoes contain soluble and fermented fiber that increases fullness feelings and provide the body with a natural, self-sustaining mechanism to regulate body weight.

Sweet potatoes can help with weight management

Scientists have confirmed that one of the main soluble fibers in sweet potatoes, pectin, effectively reduces food intake, loses weight, and increases the activity of saturated hormones in the body.

Scientific studies have also shown that higher fiber intake is closely related to reduced body weight. Increasing consumption of sweet potatoes will lead to an increase in fiber intake, leading to lower body weight.

Bottom Line: The fiber in sweet potatoes can help maintain feelings of fullness and reduce an individual's overall weight. The more you feel full throughout the day, the less junk you will eat, which will help you with effective weight management.

Read more: Is Eating Sweet Potatoes Lose Weight?

15. Sweet potatoes are also memory boosters

Studies have shown that the anthocyanin present in purple sweet potatoes has memory-enhancing properties. The underlying belief is that the antioxidant properties of anthocyanins are responsible for sweet potato memory enhancers.

Bottom Line: Regular consumption of sweet potatoes can help boost your memory.

The effects of sweet potatoes on health are impressive and worth considering.

Through this article, Bellyfatzone hopes you can add this helpful food to your menu every week! Also, don't forget to check out other interesting articles on Bellyfatzone.

The Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

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Mary Brunker
Meet Mary Brunker, a talented author and sports nutrition expert with over 10 years of experience in the field. Mary's passion for sports and nutrition led her to pursue a career as a journalist, where she has been able to share her knowledge and insights with a wide audience. After completing her degree in journalism, Mary began writing about sports and nutrition for a variety of publications. She quickly became known for her expertise in the field, and her articles and blog posts were widely read and shared. In 2019, Mary founded BellyFatZone.com, a website dedicated to providing expert advice and information on sports nutrition and fitness. Over the years, the site has become a go-to resource for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike, thanks to Mary's insightful articles, expert advice, and practical tips.
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