Amino Acids Function – Beneficial Or Harmful? Effects On The Body

By: Evie Langford

There are many components in our bodies that are broken down by the digestive system from the nutrients you take in.

Fatty starch or protein is broken down and used by enzymes in our pancreas for use by the body in a flexible way depending on the nutrition you eat or according to the body's needs when we move or sit still.

In which an important ingredient we can not ignore is the amino acid.

In this article, we will learn what amino acids are? And how amino acids work on our bodies.

Amino Acids Function - Beneficial Or Harmful? Effects On The Body
Amino Acids Function – Beneficial Or Harmful? Effects On The Body

Arrangement positions of amino acids in polypeptides chains and amino acid composition of different proteins. Protein is like a chain of particles of all different shapes. Each seed is 1 amino acid.

These amino acids can combine to create different proteins.

When you eat protein-rich foods, the proteins are broken down by gastric juice; smaller amino acid molecules are formed from there.

What is the definition of amino acids?

Amino acids in foods form proteins. Whey protein, when absorbed and digested, is broken down again to form certain amino acids.

These amino acids are then arranged in a certain order to be used for many different purposes. These new protein molecules are formed in the new body that form the body's toughest parts, such as skin, eyes, heart, intestinal tract, bones, and muscles.

That's why understanding how each of these amino acids works and getting more from your diet can help achieve specific goals, such as building muscle. Corn.

Maintaining a balance of protein in the body will be a way to protect health and keep a balance of internal functions. Without protein, any amino acid can easily turn into a toxin.

A problem has been raised in phenylalanine, but this is also true for all amino acids. To cope with these potentially harmful health effects, getting adequate vitamins and minerals every day is important, as they will ensure the conversion of protein into amino acids and vice versa. howl

Depending on the person, which is slightly different, there are typically around 20-22 standard amino acids. In these 20-22 categories, 8-10 of them are essential (complete).

This means that you need to get enough of them in your diet to stay active in the body simply because our body cannot synthesize them but must absorb them from outside food.

Since amino acids are the building blocks of protein, this article will show you the full benefits of adding free-form amino acids, going into the details of absorbing too much or too little of them will look like, how they work in the body, how much and when should you use them.

Besides the 8 essential amino acids, there are about 14 non-essential types.

In addition to eight essentials that must be clearly mentioned, Bellyfatzone will discuss in detail some non-essential types, but also very important to pay attention to in your daily diet: Glutamine, Arginine, Carnitine, Cysteine ​​, and HMB.

Read more: Benefits of Casein Protein Powder and How to Use it Effectively.

What is the role of essential amino acids?

Understanding the essentials and optimizing them in your daily diet will be the basic knowledge that you or the gymnast need to master.

1. Histidine


In the human body, histidine is essential for the body to grow and help repair tissue cells.

It plays a key role in the maintenance and production of glial nerve cells, called oligodendrocytes, that surround themselves, around your nerve cells, to form. Forming a protective sheath called myelin.

This prevents unwanted conflicts that can cause serious defects in the brain and spinal nerve system. Besides, histidine is also a manufacturer of white and red blood cells.

It also protects the body from radiation rays and removes excess heavy metals (such as iron) from the body.

In the stomach, it produces stomach fluids that help speed up and improve the digestive system. Therefore, histidine is a useful tool to fight indigestion or digestive disorders.

It is also a precursor to a non-essential amino acid, histamine, released from the immune system as the body's response to allergic problems. Plus, it's also been linked to increased orgasms and better orgasm if you're having little sex problems.

Useful for bodybuilders

  • Effective for bodybuilders: Very small, can only improve the digestive system
  • Dosage: 1000mg / day, but the recommendation is 8-10mg / day per kg of body weight. Typically, you will get at least 2-3 times as much from your diet.
  • Overdose: Using too much histidine can cause stress and aggravate mental disorders, such as anxiety and schizophrenia.
  • Use in medicine: Used in the treatment of arthritis and loss of bodily functions.
  • Histidine amino acid-rich foods: Found in dairy products, meat, fish, rice, wheat, barley, poultry.
  • Cons: I don't know

2. Lysine

L-Lysine is one of the amino acids that are extremely important to help the body grow and strengthen. It is used in the body to absorb calcium, leading to muscle and bone development and accelerating the conversion of fat into energy for use.

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It helps maintain Nitrogen gas balance and helps maintain muscle mass during times of extreme stress and fatigue.

It also helps produce antibodies, hormones (GH, testosterone, insulin), enzymes, collagen, and repair damaged tissues, such as histones and most essential amino acids. Besides maintaining them, it also helps to build many new muscle protein molecules.

Useful for bodybuilders

  • Effective for bodybuilders: In addition to maintaining and producing muscle proteins, Lysine plays a role in revitalizing the body to combat the risk of fatigue and excessive exercise. It also helps maintain the nitrogen gas balance, creating an anabolic environment within the body.
  • Dosage: The usual recommendation is 12 mg/kg body weight, but the absorbed daily dose can exceed that, even when absorbing 1.5g of protein per 0.5kg body weight, does not cause What hurt. This type of amino acid is paramount for athletes, but with extreme caution when overdose.
  • Overdose: May cause higher LDL cholesterol levels, diarrhea, and gallstones.
  • Medical application: Treatment of cold sores and energy depletion
  • Foods rich in the amino acid Lysine: Cheese, eggs, milk, meat, yeast, potatoes, and lima beans
  • Cons: Can cause enzyme disturbances, energy loss, hair loss, hair (often due to protein deficiency), weight loss, lack of appetite, and loss of concentration.

3. Phenylalanine

This is definitely one of the amino acid roles that you need to be aware of. Some people react quite badly to this amino acid, and many problems are raised when it comes to its use in supplements.

Scientific studies have not shown any negative effects on healthy people.

It boosts the mood by stimulating the nervous system and can be quite important for being more motivated, whatever the reason. It also supports memory and, when combined with glutamine, is considered a vitamin-like form important for the body.

It also increases the levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine in the pituitary gland. All three of these hormones are important neurotransmitters necessary for the optimal functioning of the nervous system.

It also helps absorb UV rays in the sun and enhances the metabolism of vitamin D, a powerful hormone.

Its main active metabolite is tyrosine, which increases dopamine and norepinephrine, as stated above. Besides, it is also one of the glutamine producers, a considerable and important amino acid.

Many bad sources often accompany this amino acid. Phenylalanine is used as a carbs-free sweetener used in soft drinks. Many people think it is bad for the brain and has the risk of causing cancer.

However, do not worry too much because it is an essential amino acid and most nutrition scientists tell you, you will often lack this amino acid more than the risk of overdose.

Useful for bodybuilders

  • Effective for bodybuilders: In addition to promoting mental and increasing vitamin D content, phenylalanine also helps improve the nervous system, supports muscles to stretch and relax better. Because it contains toxins, it should never be used continuously for a long time.
  • Dosage: The recommended dose is 14mg per kg of body weight. There is also no need to increase these levels, especially which may cause unnecessary side effects.
  • Overdose: This is not the perfect supplement to be taken by pregnant and obese women.
  • Application in medicine: Treatment of arthritis and depression
  • Foods rich in the amino acid Phenylalanine: All dairy products, almonds, butter, nuts, and dried fruits
  • Cons: Rare, but if any, will make you weak, lethargic, liver damage, and growth inhibition.

4. Methionine

Methionine is of great help in the breakdown and utilization of fat, producing a higher source of testosterone. Combined with zinc, that's how ZMA works.

Besides, it also removes excess fat in the color line, helping to reduce fat tissue. It also helps in better digestion and removes heavy metals from the stomach and liver.

It also provides excellent antioxidant protection because it provides sulfur, fights free radicals, and helps stimulate memory.

It is also a precursor to cysteine, the amino acid that produces glutathione to detoxify the liver. Plus, it's one of the three amino acids needed to produce creatine monohydrate in the body, an essential compound for energy production and muscle growth.

Useful for bodybuilders

  • Effective for bodybuilders: Fat metabolism, better digestion, and antioxidants.
  • Dosage: 12mg / kg body weight. If you think this is a good idea to supplement them, you should probably buy more ZMA. This product is more effective and yields more positive results than using methionine alone.
  • Overdose: No, unless there is a vitamin B deficiency
  • Application in medicine: Treatment of depression, arthritis, and liver disease.
  • Foods rich in the amino acid Methionine: Meat, fish, beans, eggs, garlic, lentils, onions, yogurt, and beans.
  • Cons: Brain disorder, fatty liver, growth retardation, fatigue, perforation, and skin damage.

5-6-7. BCAA

If you have read carefully the article What Branched-Chain Amino Acids are, surely you also know it plays a big role in the gym and bodybuilder.

They are the 3 most important amino acids in the production, maintenance, and repair of muscle tissue. All 3 will create a powerful mixed effect.

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Using only Valine or IsoLeucine does not help much with anabolism, but taking both sufficient amounts will improve muscle growth very well.

Usually, manufacturers apply a 2: 1: 1 ratio, corresponding to Leucine: IsoLeucine: Valine, for the best results. This dose has been listed in the FDA recommendation for BCAA specific absorption.

This BCAA blend is used to treat headaches, dizziness, fatigue, depression, and feelings of frustration (the consequences of protein deficiency). BCAA's always worked best when used together. As a tip, take BCAA's with a mix of B vitamins.

5. Leucine

Leucine is the BCAA's most powerful amino acid, plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels, and helps develop and repair skin, bone, and muscle tissue.

It is a potent active ingredient for the development of HGH. It helps with wound healing, regulates energy, and helps prevent muscle tissue from breaking down.

Useful for bodybuilders

  • Effective for bodybuilders: One of the most powerful natural anabolic active ingredients in the world.
  • Dosage: 16mg / kg weight.
  • Overdose: Unknown, may increase ammonia gas.
  • Medical application: Prevent muscle loss.
  • Foods rich in the amino acid Leucine: Found in almost all protein sources, including brown rice, beans, nuts, and barley.
  • Cons: I don't know.

6. IsoLeucine

Very similar to Leucine in almost every way. IsoLeucine stimulates muscle recovery, regulates blood sugar, and stimulates HGH release.

It helps to form hemoglobin red pigment and form hematomas, the body's main response to inflammation through open wounds.

Useful for bodybuilders

  • Effective for bodybuilders: Similar to Leucine.
  • Dosage: 10-12mg / kg in body weight.
  • Overdose: Urinate more often. No serious problems. It can be quite serious if you have kidney or liver disease.
  • Application in medicine: Wound treatment
  • Foods rich in the amino acid IsoLeucine: Chicken, cashew nuts, fish, almonds, eggs, liver, meat.
  • Cons: I don't know

7. Valine

Valine helps repair and stimulate the growth of muscle tissue.

Useful for bodybuilders

  • Effective for bodybuilders: Combined with IsoLeucine and Leucine
  • Dosage: 16mg / kg body weight.
  • Overdose: Itching, delusions can be dangerous for people with liver or kidney disease.
  • Application in medicine: No.
  • Foods rich in the amino acid Valine: Dairy products, meat, grains, mushrooms, soybeans, and peanuts
  • Cons: Causes urinary syrup

8. Threonine

An essential amino acid cannot be self-synthesized inside the body.

Since the food source contains it from animals (dairy products and meat), it is not suitable for vegetarians. It is found in the heart, skeletal muscle tissue, and central nerve cells.

Threonine helps form the 2 most important connecting components inside the body, including collagen and elastin. Besides, it helps to maintain the balance of protein content. The property of this amino acid is to maintain the liver and immune system's function by helping to produce antibodies and by stimulating thymus growth.

Useful for bodybuilders

  • Effective for bodybuilders: Absorb protein, maintain muscle, and help better health
  • Dosage: 8 mg/kg of body weight, commonly recommended in 100-500mg levels when taking supplements.
  • Overdose: Unknown
  • Application in medicine: Treatment of psychological diseases
  • Foods rich in the amino acid Threonine: Meat, dairy products, and eggs.
  • Cons: Weak immune system

What is the role of the most important non-essential amino acids?

What is the role of the most important non-essential amino acids?

The above information will be the background to help you understand why protein supplements are needed. However, the problem is that, except for BCAAs, very few gym-goers focus on supplementing with other essential amino acids.

Meanwhile, non-essential amino acids are produced only when the body needs them and are not always available in protein-rich natural foods.

So while we have more than just the right amount of non-essential amino acids, there are many benefits to getting more free ones in some cases.

1. Glutamine

L-Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid present in the body in huge amounts. Occasionally, it makes up to 60% of your total amino acids. Since it can cross the blood-brain barrier quite easily, it is called brain food.

It can help evoke memories and increase concentration. It converts into glutamic acid inside the brain, which is essential for brain function, and increases GABA, which is extremely important for mental function. It is used in the synthesis of muscle cell tissues.

We all know the body needs nitrogen to be big, but too much nitrogen in the human body can cause the brain to produce more ammonia gas.

Glutamine helps remove this gas by binding itself to nitrogen gas and forming glutamic acid, which then expels it from the body. Glutamine is also one of the ways of forming genetic codes.

It is found in the DNA and RNA chains. The most important part is that it helps to balance acid/alkaline content. Thanks to that, it helps to reduce the content of lactic acid.

It reduces the craving for sweets that can be used in the diet and is a glutamine metabolite, called Monosodium Glutamine (MSG), a salt used as a flavor enhancer.

It does not actually have a strong odor but can improve the flavor of certain foods, such as meat, fish, and vegetables.

Glutamine has the disadvantage of being used as a fuel to produce more energy than some simple carbs. It is one of the preferred sources of energy in the stomach and a good energy source. The body doesn't just use what it already has.

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So, is glutamine a bad supplement? Absolutely not? This is one of the best products on the market today, especially for those who want to recover muscle and gain muscle.

Useful for bodybuilders

  • Effective for bodybuilders: Maintain lean muscle mass and supplement an alternative source of glucose
  • Dosage: Do not exceed the dose recommended by your doctor. 5-10g is great, but bodybuilders on a low-carb diet prepared on the field can add up to 30-35g.
  • Overdose: Dangerous only for people with liver or kidney disease
  • Application in medicine: Not clear
  • Foods rich in the amino acid Glutamine: High in protein-rich foods
  • Cons: Unknown, glutamine is the most produced protein inside the body.

2. Arginine

L-Arginine is the most widely discussed amino acid available today. Arginine is added to dietary supplements thanks to its ability to retain nitrogen gas. Nitrogen gas is one of the most important components in protein synthesis in muscles.

Arginine is mostly present in protamines and histones, 2 proteins that bind to nucleic acids (like DNA and RNA). Besides, it helps new babies develop faster because they do not produce enough of this content in childhood.

It helps to improve the immune system and stimulates the size and activity of the thymus gland. This is the perfect choice for those who are not in good health, such as those recovering from trauma or HIV patients.

Useful for bodybuilders

  • Effective for Bodybuilders: Too much to talk about.
  • Dosage: Not available. Too much supplementation can have many negative effects, but it is perfectly normal to add protein powder and fortified skim milk to arginine.
  • Overdose: Causes skin thickness and roughness, weakens, vomiting, dizziness, and weak immune system
  • Applied in medicine: Treatment of physiological diseases and against the risk of high cholesterol
  • Foods rich in the amino acid Arginine: Wheat, dried seeds, rice, chocolate, raisins, and soybeans
  • Cons: Unstable insulin production and hair loss
  • Note: Arginine should not be used with lysine because they oppose each other when taken in the body.

3. Carnitine

In essence, this is not an amino acid. It is only classified because it has similar properties. It is considered a vitamin BT. Carnitine usually comes in 4 forms:

  • D-carnitine
  • DL-carnitine
  • L-carnitine
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC)

Only the last 2 categories are useful for gym-goers. When you get adequate vitamin B1 and vitamin B6 levels, it can stimulate methionine and lysine to produce carnitine.

Unlike most amino acids, we should consume as much protein as possible, and it has nothing to do with protein synthesis.

Carnitine also helps to prevent the formation of fatty acids in the liver, heart, and muscles. It helps to improve the antioxidant capacity of vitamins C and E.

Carnitine is the only non-essential amino acid recommended for long-term use. For those who need to keep lean muscles for a long time, this is extremely useful.

Useful for bodybuilders

  • Effective for bodybuilders: Increase ATP, limit fat accumulation around muscles
  • Dosage: 20-200mg is the best. The requirement for carnitine depends on muscle mass, so more muscle means a higher need for carnitine.
  • Overdose: Causes vomiting and belching fish smell
  • Medical application: Reduces the risk of slow fat metabolism in obese people.
  • Foods are rich in the amino acid Carnitine: Fish, chicken, red meat, and milk. Not found in vegetables.

4. Cysteine

L-Cysteine ​​is a sulfur-containing non-essential amino acid that makes it a powerful antioxidant. Cysteine ​​is often unstable and is often immediately converted to Cystine when given the opportunity.

This is not the main problem, as if the body needs it, it can be easily converted into Cysteine. It is needed to maintain healthy skin, detoxify the body's toxins (thanks to the sulfur content) and produce collagen.

That is why it is commonly found in beta-keratin. Keratin molecules are the source of ‘materials' to form hair, hair, nails … and help you have healthy skin. Keratin is a form of protein, usually formed and stored in skin tissues.

Cysteine ​​has proven its role in life. It is a source of taurine, which is a component of glutathione. Glutathione protects the brain and liver from damage from drugs, alcohol, and other active substances that the body considers dangerous.

Taurine is currently found in many creatine supplements.

Useful for bodybuilders

  • Effective for bodybuilders: Metabolism from B vitamins, detoxification accumulation
  • Dosage: 200-300mg
  • Overdose: Occurs only in obese people
  • Medical application: Liver protection
  • Foods rich in the amino acid Cysteine: Poultry, wheat, broccoli, eggs, garlic, onions, and pepper
  • Cons: Not clear

Above is the most important information about the role and properties of amino acids, both essential and non-essential amino acids.

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Evie Langford
Evie Langford is a passionate writer with a deep love for sports and bodybuilding. She has spent years honing her knowledge and expertise in the field of fitness, with a particular focus on training for women. Evie is a dedicated athlete who understands the importance of hard work and discipline. She has competed in several bodybuilding competitions and has achieved remarkable success. Her firsthand experience has given her unique insight into the world of fitness and has allowed her to develop a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to achieve peak physical condition. Aside from her athletic pursuits, Evie also has a great passion for writing. She has a talent for creating engaging and informative content related to health and fitness. Her articles are not only informative but also entertaining, making them accessible to a broad audience.
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Albert Einstein

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