How to Deal With Gym Injuries?

By: Stephanie Hoffnung

In sports practice, injury is an indispensable part, which we need to overcome when we want to pursue our favorite sports.

You can easily see that a footballer will suffer a limb injury or even a head or face injury after a training session or after a dramatic soccer game.

Staying in bodybuilding will not avoid injuries when we practice, especially for new people who do not know how to practice the right technique.

These injuries seem to be gentle and common; if you do not know how to overcome them and how injured, it can lead to serious injuries even if you may not be able to work out forever.

How to deal with gym injuries?
How to deal with gym injuries?

However, for those who love to practice bodybuilding or sports, injury when doing bodybuilding is always something that many people pay little attention to or learn, especially those who are new to the practice or have not much experience.

Have you ever felt a terrible pain that made you quit weight training?

Have you ever experienced the scene of lying on weightlifting, elbow aching like crazy, when practicing the front hand, the wrist as being hit by someone, the deadlift is not timely on the back already hurt …

Those are just some of the most common injuries during bodybuilding, and how to deal with gym injuries?

Now BellyFatZone invites you to refer to this article together!

Read more: List Foods for Muscle Repair After Injury.

List of bodybuilding injuries and how to fix them

Surely, no one wants to have a nice day with an injury.

However, if you accidentally miss the right first aid and how to prevent it, you will surely suffer terrible injuries and health problems in the future.

Even if not treated immediately and properly, the injury will never go away completely, and even your life will be disabled.

Once again, I would like to remind you that you should take the time to read ASAP. THIS INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT.

1. Injury of the wrist joint during weight training

  • Cause: Due to the wrists' total tendon injury (the tendon extends from the little finger straight to the wrist, near the protruding wrist bone).
  • Symptoms: Pain of numbness when turning the wrist slightly or throbbing during strong wrist exercise. When turning the wrist, it's easy to hear the small click on the red area.

Injury of the wrist joint during weight training

Many people's injury is usually very long and usually recurs if you use your wrist for many activities.

You may suffer from chest exercises (Bench Press), the bar is easily slipped away from the wrist joint.

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There are also cases when doing the exercises of breathing the bar, not sure, so the wrist is stretched too much, causing damage to the ligament.

Warning! During exercise, if you feel a sharp pain or the wrist area is stretched too much, you have three options:

  • Stop it now
  • Correct posture properly
  • Reduce the weight and continue exercising

Normally, if you calm down a little, you can stop practicing immediately, check through the injury a bit. Then adjust your posture as well as reduce the weight.

Below is the author's own bloody lesson so that you take care of yourself!

When I had been practicing in the gym for 6 months, I happened to try a chest press (Bench Press) with a weight of 70kg (quite heavy for the author at that time).

At that time, due to not wearing bodybuilding gloves, sweaty hands were out, grasping the bar was not sure, so it slipped forward, causing the wrist to bend down the hand's back.

When I finished pushing the first half, I found that my wrist hurt a lot; I tried turning the wrist to make a clicking sound. Due to the lack of experience at that time, no one had much knowledge, so it was normal to think.

Standing looking a little bit back into the next episode, the more it hurts.

Mistakes follow mistakes; I am like many people who think that stretching your wrist will reduce pain. I began to inhale the beam to make its wrist relax.

Read more: Best Kinesiology Tapes.

In the end, in pain, she had to go to the hospital; the hospital returned a notice of 6 months to recover. Now it's not as old as it used to be.

How to handle wrist injury

  • Place an ice cube in a plastic bag or a towel, apply directly to the affected area.
  • Apply a constant compress for 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times/day for the first 2 days.
  • Elevate your wrist to reduce swelling (because if lowered, blood will rush to your wrist, making it more prone to swelling or hematoma).
  • Allow the injured wrist to rest for at least 48 hours and avoid handling heavy objects.
  • Wear a splint or wristband.

Advice: Best, see a specialist for proper examination, prescribe anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory agents …

Besides, experts recommend that you buy StarBalm products immediately to resolve the aches and pains quickly!

See a doctor right away and immediately if you have the following symptoms.

  • The finger is puffy, red, white, or cold, or blue.
  • Loss of numbness or soreness in fingers
  • Increasing pain, not relieved.
  • No / it isn't easy to move fingers …

Absolutely not to do when your wrist injury after weight training

  • ABSOLUTELY DO NOT USE hot compresses such as salons, deep heat … Hot compresses or apply hot oil are only good for muscle contraction injuries, but if sprains or muscle tension that use/apply only make the wound more swollen. Hot will cause bruises to pool immediately at the injury site.
  • Improper correcting techniques will tear the tendon more severely…
  • Try to suffer pain to continue to practice, torn tendons heavier, more swollen … Can even affect the life or permanently no longer do anything.
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2. Back and knee injuries

Back and knee injuries

  • Cause: Do Deadlift or Squat too heavy or do exercises twisting the wrong posture such as sitting pushing or Military Press wrong technique …
  • Symptoms: Pain in the back of the knee joint

This is a severe injury, so you need to read it carefully to prevent it!

knee injuries

How to deal with back or knee injuries when exercising

  • Warm-up carefully: Often, the brothers and sisters who go to work out in Vietnam, especially those new to training or do not have much experience or habit of dependence and laziness to start. The body is hot; the secretion is not enough, the blood and blood vessels have not been able to catch …, do you know what will happen? If you notice, professional athletes, before training or competition, always start carefully …
  • Practice the right techniques for each exercise, your back straight. The heel is not tiptoed. When practicing Barbell Squat, don't sit down for long periods of time, causing the knee joint fluid to wear out.
  • Do not use very heavyweights.
  • When Deadlift, always keep your back straight, head up moderately. Suppose bent or bent on the lower back, the disc of the back will be injured.

3. Biceps Tendon Tear Injury

Biceps Tendon Tear Injury

Usually, you will rarely encounter this injury. It only happens when performing deadlift exercises with heavyweights.

Although rare in bodybuilding, this is an injury you can pay for with your arms later.

As far as he goes, Jay Cutler left this trauma and underwent many surgeries to connect.

4. Injury to the elbow joint

Injury to the elbow joint


Because the weightlifting position is too heavy or/and the elbow joint is blocked (the hand is stretched as far as possible, many people even lock the elbow joint so that the arm is bent forward as if it is broken), the bar is lifted. Level.

At that time, the muscle bundles could no longer hold the tension, and the weight completely fell: the forearm and elbow joints, causing compression of the synovial fluid, causing it to deform.

Over time, the epidemic will gradually lose its flexibility and elasticity, leading to degeneration.

How to prevent when pushing the chest

  • When pushing your chest, don't lock your elbows (or don't stretch your arms out as much as you lift weights).
  • When lowering the weight, the right arm creates an angle of fewer than 90 degrees from the body. If set to 90 degrees, the arm will be perpendicular to the body; the weight will put more on the shoulder, too heavy will cause shoulder injury.

Warning: Many of you make this mistake, just putting your hand perpendicular to the person while locking your elbow.

5. Injury of shoulder joint

Injury of shoulder joint

This is a flexible joint. If the shoulder is injured, it often produces a rattling noise when it is turned or aches and pains, probably due to damage to the soft parts surrounding the shoulder joint such as tendons, articular cartilage, fluid membrane …

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It is best to limit shoulder joint movement. Injury to the shoulder when exercising is straightforward to do; even if you are sleeping in the wrong posture, it is …

Especially when performing the shoulder exercises, the wrong chest technique, you determine that you will be hospitalized.

Note when doing Barbell Shoulder Press:

  • Grasp the bar so wide that the elbows and arms form a 90-degree angle; the upper hand is parallel to the floor, the two elbows are aligned, do not push away.
  • Do not lock the elbow.
  • Do not perform weight-lifting exercises on the back of the head if the front shoulder is injured.

6. Cramps


This is a sudden muscle spasm, causing intense and terrible pain in the muscular region, making it almost impossible for everyone to move.

Normally, people often have cramps in the legs, thighs, hands …

7. Tearing muscle

Tearing muscle

This is a condition where muscle fibers are damaged during muscle tension, but they may feel severe pain and swelling.

Without the help of a doctor and medical equipment, blood in the muscle will form a blood clot.

8. Ligament rupture

This is a condition where the ligament is stretched/stretched excessively when pressure is applied, causing both ends of the joint to open excessively or by sudden joint rotation, causing the ligament to rupture.

Most common in the knees and ankles.

9. Tendonitis


The tendon is the extension of the muscle to the bone. It helps convey the force of muscles down the joints and forms motion.

Tendon is quite flexible, extremely elastic to minimize the possibility of breaking when sudden movement.

If tendonitis occurs during weight training, the affected area will be red, swollen, swollen, and painful, and muscle contractions will cause tendon pain.

10. Disc herniation

Disc herniation

This is the phenomenon that the disc is moved out of the vertebra, causing lumbar pain, neck and neck pain …

How To Recover From Any Injury (5 Science-Based Steps)

To prevent injury, what do you need to do?

In addition to training properly, methodically, you need to focus on supplementing the good multivitamin for bodybuilders …

Advice!!!! It would help if you bought osteoarthritis pills such as Glucosamine or MSM to supplement the joints. This is an extremely safe product. These products are completely natural and recommended by experts!

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Hopefully, the information above has helped you gain some more knowledge about “how to deal with gym injuries” and bring some small value. Please share this article if you feel it is useful. Thanks!

Stephanie Hoffnung
Stephanie Hoffnung is a talented writer with a deep passion for anatomy and scientific literature. She has dedicated her career to the study of the human body and the ways in which it can be rejuvenated and revitalized. Stephanie's passion for anatomy and scientific literature is evident in her writing. She is meticulous in her research and is committed to providing her readers with accurate and up-to-date information. Her attention to detail and thorough understanding of anatomy make her a valuable resource for those looking to improve their health and fitness. Aside from her scientific pursuits, Stephanie is also deeply interested in rejuvenation. She believes that the body has a remarkable ability to heal and regenerate itself, and is dedicated to exploring the many ways in which this can be achieved. Stephanie is a valued member of the team at, where she shares her expertise on anatomy and rejuvenation. Her articles are informative, engaging, and accessible, making them a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their health and fitness.
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