19 Best Medicine Balls

By: BellyFatZoneTeam

Sports lovers can not help but mention medicine balls, pretty useful workout accessories, and are applied a lot in training to increase the body's toughness.

Best Medicine Balls Very Useful For Exercise Easy To Move
Top Best Medicine Balls Very Useful For Exercise Easy To Move

The joint exercises with the medicine balls as in a stand-up position, like a Yoga gesture, require your body to make every effort to hold the ball and keep balance.

In addition to balancing, it also works well with reflex exercises with walls that increase the agility of the whole body along with the sharpness of the eyes … and countless other activities you can think of with this event, and it is not limited.

Our team ranked products from top to bottom to help you save time, money, and effort more than once.

Top Best Medicine Balls

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Thinking of choosing a simple medicine ball, but the truth is not so, each person only fits a specific medicine ball in a particular article, if you switch to another exercise, sometimes we need to change. 

Change medicine ball to be more productive. That is the weight and size, and surely you do not want to use the medicine you used a few times has been damaged because the durability of the material is too low.

So choosing a medicine ball model also requires you to have time to selectively choose from hundreds of brand names on the market with hundreds of attractive offers; sometimes, you are confused or have a headache because of that.

Here we searched for hours, from experts, and professional coaches to amateur users, forums, and social discussion groups, and selected the highest-rated template here for you.

Detailed Useful Features of Best Products:

Good exercises:

Exercise with Superman ball

This ball exercise focuses on the lower back and buttocks. This is a challenging but very enjoyable exercise.

How to do exercise with Superman ball

– You lie face down on the floor, both hands holding the ball in front of your head. Make sure you keep your neck straight throughout the exercise.

You use your core, back, and gluteal muscles to lift your upper body and legs off the floor. Try to lift your upper body and legs as high as you can.

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– Hold the position for about 1 second and then return to the starting position.

– You should practice 3 times 10 times.

Exercise with Slam ball

This is a cardio exercise that helps you build strength in the body. You can choose slightly heavier gymnastics balls to do this exercise.

How to do the exercise with the Slam ball

– Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands raise the ball overhead.

– You slightly bend your hips, your arms are slightly extended away from your body. Drop the ball to the ground as hard as you can.

– When the ball bounces back, you catch the ball and return to the original position.

– You practice 3 times 10 times.

Exercise with the Toe Touch ball

If you want to take care of your abs more then continue with the exercise with the Toe Touch ball.

How to do exercise with Toe Touch ball

– You lie on your back on the floor, arms and legs stretched straight up to the sky. Hold the ball in both hands.

– You squeeze your core muscles, then arch your back and raise your arms and legs so that your limbs touch.

– Lower your arms and legs to return to the starting position.

– You should practice 12-15 sets.

You should choose a good quality ball with a reasonable weight for your fitness. After a period of performing exercises with the ball, you can gradually increase the weight of the ball to gradually increase the intensity of the exercise.

The exercises with the upper ball only take up to 1 minute each, plus 20 seconds of rest between exercises, it takes you less than 20 minutes to do all of the above.

Exercise with the Mountain Climber ball

Exercise with the Mountain Climber ball will help you increase the intensity of your exercise and improve blood flow in the body.

How to do the exercise with the Mountain Climber ball:

– Get into a plank position and place the exercise ball under your hands.

– Keep your back and neck straight and bring your right knee close to your chest. Then, bring your right knee back to its original position and bring your left knee up to your chest. Try to switch legs quickly and keep your abs tight.

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– You continue to exercise for 30 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds.

Exercise with the Overhead Squat

Exercise with the ball Over Squat trains the core muscles, especially the back muscles. When combined with an exercise ball, this exercise helps to strengthen the body along with the muscles of the upper back, shoulders, and arms. Pay attention to the correct posture.

How to do the exercise with the Overhead Squat

– You stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, lifting the exercise ball over your head with both hands. Keep the ball in this position throughout the exercise.

– You bend your knees, push your hips back to get into a squat position. Note that the thighs should be parallel to the floor and the knees should not point inward.

– You use the force of the foot to push the body straight.

– You should practice 3 times 12 beats.

Exercise with Circle Ball

This exercise with the ball will help you have slimmer shoulders. Practice slowly to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.

How to do the exercise with the Circle ball

– Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with both hands holding the ball overhead.

– You squeeze your core muscles and then rotate your arms in a clockwise circle. You can move your hips slightly with the rotation of your arms but keep your legs still.

– You rotate your hand clockwise 8-10 times and then change direction to rotate counter-clockwise 8-10 times.

– You should practice 3 sets.

Exercises with the Russian Twist ball

This is an exercise with a ball that works on the abdominal muscles. Twist your upper body as much as possible to make the exercise more effective.

How to do the exercise with the Russian Twist ball

– You sit on the floor, legs bent 45 degrees in front of you and feet touching the ground. Hold the exercise ball in your hands and hold it out in front of you.

– You keep your core muscles firmly, twist your upper body to bring the ball to the right so that the ball almost touches the floor.

– You return to the original position and then put the ball to the left.

– You practice 10 times on each side and repeat 3 sets.

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Exercise with the Side Lunge ball

Exercises that move the body in the left-right direction are just as necessary as the front-back movement exercises. Please add exercises in the left-right side of the side lunge for a more comprehensive workout.

How to do the exercise with the Side Lunge ball

– You stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the ball across your chest in both hands.

– You step your right foot all the way to the right, then bend your right knee and slightly push your hips back. Make sure you keep your left leg straight.

Use the right leg force to push the body back to the starting position.

– Do 3 10 reps for both legs.

Exercise with a Pushup ball

If you find that the normal push-up is not intense enough, try incorporating an exercise ball. Your chest muscles will be much more stretched.

How to do the exercise with the Pushup ball

– You get into a normal push-up position and then place an exercise ball under your right hand. Pay attention to keeping your back and neck straight during this exercise.

– After you have completed the push-up, you change the ball to your right hand to continue.

Exercise with the Single-leg Deadlift ball

This ball exercise strengthens your body. In addition, you also have the opportunity to practice balance.

How to do the exercise with the Single-leg Deadlift ball

– You stand with your feet together, two hands holding an exercise ball in front of you.

– You slightly bend your right leg, bend your hips to bring your upper body forward and your left leg back. Pay attention to keeping your back and left leg straight, squeeze your abs and hips perpendicular to the floor.

When your upper body is parallel to the floor, lift your body back to the original position.

– You practice 3 times 10 times.



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Hello dear, if you are reading this, you are responsible for yourself, your family and want to create more value for society. Keeping a flat belly and a toned body will help you have a much better work performance, and that will, of course, help you be more successful in life; we completely understand this.

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Albert Einstein

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