The Way Makes Beauty Bone in Female Exercise For You

By: Samuel Brownlee
Collarbone or clavicle is called the skeleton of beauty, an important feature of the glamorous body (for both men and women).

Many people have prominent collarbones naturally, but some others need to impact and make collarbone more eye-catching.

beauty bone in female exercise
Beauty bone in female exercise

So how and how to lose weight to have a beautiful collarbone is what? To find out shortly! Now BellyFatZone invites you to refer to this article together!

How to lose weight to have a beautiful collarbone

Science has proven that massage is a type of physical stimulation that directly impacts the body, and there are great uses for your health.

A simple way to lose weight but help you figure and especially highlight the charming collarbone. What concerns her is not done right.

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1. Exercise body gently

To highlight the beautiful collarbone, then, of course, losing weight is indispensable. And one way to lose weight is that you perform full-body exercises to reduce fat, make sure the body color is an important first step.

The majority, overweight people usually do not have too prominent collarbone until they start an exercise regimen of exercise to lose weight.

Walking, jogging, ... or perform a gentle exercise to lose weight body.
Walking, jogging, … or perform a gentle exercise to lose weight body.

Besides exercise, do not ignore the diet, providing enough water for your body.

The full-body exercises gently that you can perform at home, such as:

  • Run small step
  • Jogging
  • Brisk walking
  • Swimming
  • Skipping
  • Cycling
  • Cardio exercises for the whole body
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2. How to lose weight to have clavicle is performing exercises for the neck, chest

If you're too busy to exercise regularly, you can start with gentle exercises, simple to avoid damage to the scapula and clavicle.

Perform exercises to lose weight is to have beautiful collarbone.
Perform exercises to lose weight is to have a beautiful collarbone.

The beginners can perform the following exercises, which help reduce weight and give the collarbone more striking and seductive.

  • Raise chest muscle exercises:

You sit on the floor. Raise your shoulders until the protruding collarbone. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat this movement 8-10 times.

  • Rotate shoulders:

Rotate shoulders back under the direction of the small circle, do not move your arm. Repeat this movement 10-15 times. Next, rotate the shoulders facing forward in a similar way 10-15 times.

  • Swivel elbow:

Placed his hand. Then you rotate your elbows form a large circle, keeping the back straight. Repeat this movement 10-15 times.

  • Push pectoral muscle movements:

Perform push out the front chest muscles so apparent collarbone. You keep this position for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat this movement 8-10 times.

Chest muscle movements pushing for collarbone.
Chest muscle movements pushing for collarbone.

3. Advanced exercises for weight loss to be a beautiful collarbone

Some of the exercises and how to lose weight to have clavicle beautiful it is:

  • Push:

Tummy and lift thighs, knees on the floor. With legs crossed and hands on either side of the chest. Lift the chest as possible and slowly lower your hands. Repeat this movement 15-20 times.

  • Belly sticks:

Lie on your back and place your hands behind your head. Bend your knees and lifting her head toward the knee. Hold and then slowly relax. Repeat this movement 10-12 times. You can also tilt your belly.

  • Hunched lifting weights:

Stand upright; legs spread shoulder. Thanks are perpendicular to the body and bent.

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Outstretched hands, put your body weight from side to side (almost equal to the shoulder), and slowly lower your hands. Repeat this movement 12-15 times.

  • Chest muscle strain:

You start with the supine position, holding weights parallel to chest level. Put both hands on either side of the chest so that the elbows outward. Raising his hand high, but still, keep your elbows slightly bent.

Perform the exercises from gentle to advanced for weight loss and bone around.
Perform the exercises from gentle to advanced for weight loss and bone around.

Hold this position for 2 seconds and hand position, repeat this movement 12-15 times.

  • Exercises for beautiful collarbone is stretching the chest muscles.

With these weight loss exercises, you start with an upright posture, legs shoulder width. To two arms and elbows slightly bent keeping during training.

Move your elbows behind your back, stretch your back muscles until you feel the muscles in the chest and shoulder stretch well by it. Hand back the original position. Repeat this movement 10-12 times.

Surely you know, to accomplish weight loss to have a beautiful collarbone, these exercises chin fat reduction is a step indispensable.

4. Perform some yoga exercises

Basic yoga exercises are the way to lose weight to have a beautiful clavicle that you can apply.

Should carry out this action under after exercise shoulder muscles to relax.

  • Lift chest

You take a deep breath to lift the chest and collarbone, making a knob. You hold his position for 5 seconds and exhale slowly, shoulders down.

Repeat this five times.

Some basic yoga exercises to help lose weight and have beautiful collarbone.
Some basic yoga exercises to help lose weight and have a beautiful collarbone.
  • Stretching back muscles

Starting with hand postures up and knitting the fingers together so that the palm faces upward. Straightened arms and leaned forward slightly. Hold the position for 10 seconds, then relax.

  • Stretching biceps after

You put your right hand on high and hands folded behind his back to elbow upwards. Place your right hand behind the neck (or below the neck) and left-hand pull right elbow close to the head.

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Hold the pose, then relax slowly. Repeat this for the remaining arms.

Read more: The Cheapest Way To Get Rid Of A Double Chin Without Exercise After Lose Belly Fat.

5. How to lose weight for a beautiful collarbone with massage

This way, you can use the cream to massage your regular collarbone. The relaxed crucial collarbone and massage technique not only helps to relax but also to highlight the collarbone.

Perform neck massage movements and collarbone regularly so evident.
Perform neck massage movements and collarbone regularly so evident.

Performed as follows:

  • Massage cream to the collarbone.
  • Then, place your index finger and middle finger above the collarbone on the bottom. Gently move your finger along the collarbone to the front so that you feel the bone gradually evident.
  • Repeat this massage several times if you want.



Advice when making way to lose weight to be a beautiful collarbone

  • It would help if you took perseverance can look forward to losing weight and beautiful collarbone.
  • Perform the exercises carefully to avoid injury.
  • Do not ignore the diet if you want a beautiful collarbone.

Above that is how to lose weight to have a beautiful clavicle that you can reference and follow.

I wish you success and have reduced the collarbone to beautiful, seductive! Hopefully, the information above has helped you gain more knowledge about beauty bone in female exercise. Please share this article if you find it is useful. Thanks!

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Samuel Brownlee
Meet Samuel Brownlee, a talented author who is passionate about both sports and web development. His unique combination of skills and interests has allowed him to create engaging content that connects with readers on multiple levels. Samuel's love for sports began at a young age. Growing up, he was an active participant in various sports, including basketball, football, and track and field. He was drawn to the competitive nature of sports and the sense of accomplishment that comes with pushing oneself to excel. At the same time, Samuel developed an interest in web development. He was fascinated by the power of the internet and the opportunities it presented for connecting people and sharing information. He taught himself to code and began building websites, using his newfound skills to create online communities around his favorite sports.
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Hello dear, if you are reading this, you are responsible for yourself, your family and want to create more value for society. Keeping a flat belly and a toned body will help you have a much better work performance, and that will, of course, help you be more successful in life; we completely understand this.

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Albert Einstein

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Important Disclaimer: The information contained on Belly Fat Zone is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA, and any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult a healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet or taking supplements that may interfere with medications. Any data you submit to this website over an HTTPS connection will be securely encrypted with the strongest available algorithms.